انتقل إلى المحتوى

الهربس الجهازي والجلدي. يهاجم مرض الذئبة بشرتي بآفات حمراء على رأسي وفي أذني وأنفي وفمي وأطرافي. كما أنه يهاجم عضلاتي وعظامي والآن عقلي. أنا أيضًا أعالج من مرض الفيبروميالجيا. لقد تلقيت للتو Infratonic 8 [New Design:  CHI Palm] and am using it all over my body for 20 minute durations, 2 to 3 times per day (using all settings). It is too early to have x-rays, photographs or blood tests that show any change (I’ve had the machine only for 9 days), but I do notice a reduction in my Morphine and Compazine. I definitely have reduced pain, improved sleeping and quality of my sleep. I have less fatigue and achiness. I feel less of a “cloud” over me and “fog” to think through. I am convinced of its healing abilities and am thrilled to be able to own an I8.

- كريستين هالباش (ستيفنسون ، واشنطن)

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