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I was standing on a wooden bench, leaning over to reach something. The bench tipped over, and I fell, with the edge of the bench knocking hard into my right shin (tibia). The pain was excruciating, and it was some time before I was even able to get up off of the floor. I was unable to put any weight on my right leg – it turned out that I had a hairline fracture from the blow – so with the help of a friend, I hopped back to my room where I immediately reached for my Chaos model CHI machine [New Design:  CHI Palm]. By this time my entire lower leg – from ankle to knee – was swollen, bright red and quickly turning purple.

What happened next is truly remarkable. As I ran the transducer (Balance) up and down my leg – focusing it every now and then on the actual area of injury – the swelling started to subside and the purple color began to fade. I felt like I was a character on Star Trek, with the doctor using her medical tricorder…you know, where the serious injury heals right before your eyes! Once the generalized swelling subsided, I focused entirely on the injury site, which was throbbing with pain and quite tender. I used the CHI machine all that evening, and almost non-stop the next day, which luckily was a Saturday. By that evening I was able to start to put a slight bit of weight on my leg. By Sunday evening, after another day using the machine, I was able to begin to walk a bit, although of course with some difficulty. The swelling over the fracture site was greatly reduced, as was the pain and tenderness.

Continué usando la máquina CHI con la mayor frecuencia posible durante las próximas semanas, con una gran mejora continua. Me centré principalmente en el sitio de la lesión, pero también seguí la tensión que sentía en los músculos de la pierna, ya que sabía que esta tensión era una reacción a la lesión. En ocasiones, también usaba el transductor en la parte inferior de mi pie derecho, apuntando hacia el hueso. Para el fin de semana siguiente, pude caminar con solo una ligera cojera, con el dolor bastante reducido y localizado precisamente en el área de la fisura (soy terapeuta corporal y de hecho podía palpar la fractura). En un par de semanas mi pierna se sintió casi completamente curada, con solo un poco de dolor residual alrededor del sitio de la lesión. Esto disminuyó con el uso continuado de la máquina CHI... De hecho, podía sentir que el hueso se curaba de adentro hacia afuera, siendo el "moretón" del hueso real el último en desaparecer.

— Beverly Kune (Santa Fe, Nuevo México)

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