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Uma mulher de um ano de idade 39 com diagnóstico de síndrome da fibromialgia desde 11 / 01, com deficiência desde 02 / 02. Seus sintomas incluem dores de cabeça frequentes, alterações de humor, perda de memória, dor bilateral no joelho, dor nas costas entre T1-L5 com radiação na parte inferior dos pés, infecção respiratória superior atual com tosse, dor no peito e costelas posteriores, zumbido nos ouvidos bilaterais com líquido, mal-estar geral e perda de energia.

3 tratamentos com o Infratonia 8 [New Design:  CHI Palm] 20 minutes, (Balance) sweeping lung, bladder and large intestine meridians. Spot treatment on throat and heart. The patient states that during the treatment, she feels a tingling sensation down her spine and into her right elbow. (This is the arm in which she has the most pain.) After treatments she states she has not noticed any mental health changes, but has noticed more energy in the evening and can accomplish more tasks than usual. This is usually the time of day in which she is the worst and most symptomatic.

Jane Rackley, DC, Cidade de Oakland, IN

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