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Herpes sistêmico e cutâneo. O Lúpus está atacando minha pele com lesões vermelhas na cabeça, nas orelhas, nariz e boca e extremidades. Além disso, está atacando meus músculos, ossos e agora meu cérebro. Também estou sendo tratado para fibromialgia. Acabei de receber o Infratonia 8 [New Design:  CHI Palm] and am using it all over my body for 20 minute durations, 2 to 3 times per day (using all settings). It is too early to have x-rays, photographs or blood tests that show any change (I’ve had the machine only for 9 days), but I do notice a reduction in my Morphine and Compazine. I definitely have reduced pain, improved sleeping and quality of my sleep. I have less fatigue and achiness. I feel less of a “cloud” over me and “fog” to think through. I am convinced of its healing abilities and am thrilled to be able to own an I8.

-Christine Halbasch (Stevenson, WA)

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