Effects of Emitted Qi from Qigong Masters and the Infratonic® Device in the Central Nervous System
The Infratonic® is a stochastic resonance device that produces infrasonic waves similar to the Qi emitted by the hands of Qigong masters. Using electroencephalograph (EEG) we show that the emitted Qi from Qigong masters has a strong effect on human central nervous system (CNS), and that the Qigong Infratonic device produces a similar effect.
We also found similar changes in the brains of the Qigong masters during meditation. Thus, the results show that the emitted Qi from Qigong masters and from the Infratonic device have a pronounced and repeatable effect on EEG, enhancing frontal and occipital EEG power spectra, and often enhancing the frontal lobe so much that the frontal lobe becomes the dominant alpha EEG activity.
Moreover, the brain alpha frequency synchronizes with the emitted Qi from Qigong masters and the Qi from the Infratonic device. The results indicate that the infrasound frequency produced by the Infratonic device has a similar effect that the emitted Qi from Qigong masters on humans CNS.
Qigong is a system of physical and mental exercises that has been practiced in China for thousands of years. By the end of the 1970’s, China awoke from the nightmare of the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976). During those 10 years Qigong was a forbidden practice and most Chinese considered Qigong masters (those who have mastered this Qigong raining) to be mythical storybook characters with super-human powers.
However, in the late 1970’s the government in China became interested in the quality of the energy emitted by the Qigong Masters. The Qigong research investigations started after the then new Chairman of China Deng Xiaoping took power in 1977 and decided to scientifically study the claimed phenomenon of Qigong energy. Thus, using laboratory equipment the measurement of emitted Qi began.

So, in 1985 she built the first prototype of the Qigong Infratonic device to reproduce the Qigong healing energy. This device was then tested in thousands of hospitalized patients in China and it was found that this Qigong simulator was effective at reducing medical symptoms and accelerating recovery. The therapeutic benefits included headache relief, pain reduction, muscular relaxation, increased circulation, alleviation of depression and more (Su, Lee and Yuan 1996, Lee, 1990, Yuan 1993). Dr. Lu’s work has been recognized both in the China Ministry of Health and the National Committee for Traditional Chinese Medicine. Later other investigators corroborated the findings of Dr. Lu, for example Professor Huan Zhang Xie in 1985 detected infrasound at the low frequency range between 2 and 30 Hz in the Qigong state, which could not be detected in the normal state of a Qigong masters or an ordinary person (Xie, 1985, 1989). Similarly, the research group of Dr. Hou (1993) analyzed and found infrasound signals in Qigong state from Qigong masters. We also found the same results as Dr. Lu (Xin, Guolong and Zhiming, 1988). Other investigations into Qigong illustrated physical manifestations different than infrasound, such as farinfrared radiation or heat (Gu and Lin, 1978, Lin et al., 1980), bio-magnetism (Wu et al, 1991), static electricity (Gu and Cheng, 1980) and electrical particle flow or light (Gu and Zhao, 1979, Wang et al., 1995).
Between latest 1970s and early 1980s different researchers started the investigations on the nature of Qigong. Dr. Yan-Fang Lu from the National Institute of Electroacoustic in Beijing was one of these first scientists. Dr. Lu found highly measurable low frequency sound emitted from the hands of Qigong masters in the range of 4 Hz to 20 Hz with a peak around 10 Hz. Her group measured a wide variety of healers, and while the signal varied from healer to healer, the overall quality was definable and reproducible. So, in 1985 she built the first prototype of the Qigong Infratonic device to reproduce the Qigong healing energy. This device was then tested in thousands of hospitalized patients in China and it was found that this Qigong simulator was effective at reducing medical symptoms and accelerating recovery. The therapeutic benefits included headache relief, pain reduction, muscular relaxation, increased circulation, alleviation of depression and more (Su, Lee and Yuan 1996, Lee, 1990, Yuan 1993). Dr. Lu’s work has been recognized both in the China Ministry of Health and the National Committee for Traditional Chinese Medicine. Later other investigators corroborated the findings of Dr. Lu, for example Professor Huan Zhang Xie in 1985 detected infrasound at the low frequency range between 2 and 30 Hz in the Qigong state, which could not be detected in the normal state of a Qigong masters or an ordinary person (Xie, 1985, 1989). Similarly, the research group of Dr. Hou (1993) analyzed and found infrasound signals in Qigong state from Qigong masters. We also found the same results as Dr. Lu (Xin, Guolong and Zhiming, 1988). Other investigations into Qigong illustrated physical manifestations different than infrasound, such as farinfrared radiation or heat (Gu and Lin, 1978, Lin et al., 1980), bio-magnetism (Wu et al, 1991), static electricity (Gu and Cheng, 1980) and electrical particle flow or light (Gu and Zhao, 1979, Wang et al., 1995).
Because of the effectiveness of Dr. Lu’s infrasound Qigong stimulator, the Infratonic device, the Government Institutions in China were highly motivated to look further into the importance of infrasound on humans. Our research group was assigned to study the relationship between the infrasound waves from the Infratonic device and the emitted Qi from Qigong masters. The effects of the Infratonic device and the emitted Qi from masters on the human brain were analyzed using electroencephalography (EEG), which records electrical activity within the brain and provides information about processing in real-time. The present project was sponsored by the China Government Department of Education and the Department of Natural Sciences. This research was conducted at the Department of the Beijing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The results confirmed that masters in the Qigong state produced a very high degree of acoustic activity in the subsonic range below 20 Hertz (infrasound), similar to the alpha rhythm of EEG. This study also shows that the emitted Qi from Qigong masters enhances and synchronizes alpha activity in the brains of humans and that the Infratonic device induces similar changes. Moreover, Qigong masters experience similar changes in their own brains during Qigong meditation.

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