
In chiro school, 3 years ago, I developed elbow problems from manual adjustments. This developed into Carpal Tunnel Syndrome after putting together furniture for my new office; I could not feel to palpate my patients’ spines and had just opened my new first office. For the next three nights, I used (Balance) on the long axis of the elbows, toward the hands on either elbow while I slept, waking to use it every few hours or so. I could feel my elbows ache when I found the “sweet spot” and they ached so good the whole time the machine was on it.

今天,我可以在两周内第一次不麻木地写字,我可以通过触诊来调整我的病人。 尽管晚上醒来移动机器,但我早上醒来时精力充沛,精神焕发。 与几年前我第一次出现肘部疼痛时相比,今天我感到很开心,我的手臂感觉更舒服——我能感觉到写作和工作。

-博士。 米歇尔特朗普(曼德维尔,洛杉矶)
