
我们在双层公寓的一侧有一个“社区旧货专柜”,在另一侧,有一个所谓的“平房会议室”,在该会议室举行社区会议(所有年龄段的健康主题,体重控制和锻炼,音乐课,等等。)。 一位绅士有一天来为他的侄子买一些玩具。 他好累。

我告诉他关于 质量管理 [New Design:  CHI Palm]  and he asked to try it out. He had a long history of pain and fatigue. He was a representative of a large trucking company and had to travel a lot. He had been to chiropractors who helped with his back pain, but could not find anything that would help with the fatigue and pain in area of liver and gall bladder. He was irritable, unable to rest. I could tell that he was very sincere in getting help. Used (Mind) and continued to be used for 3 consecutive treatments) and the transducer was placed under the left foot for 10 minutes, and then the right foot for 10 minutes. We did not talk during this time. Each shoulder was then rubbed very, very slowly with the transducer. In 25 minutes, he was almost asleep. “I haven’t rested that well in years!” he commented. He was energized, calm, and had no pain. He reported the next week that he was pain free for 2 days and slept really well for 2 nights.

那时,他不知道自己有胆结石。 在3个月内,每周两次进来后,他报告他精力旺盛,消化能力更好,对客户更加冷静和耐心。 然后胆石发作袭来,他接受了急诊手术。 他一周后返回接受治疗。 他恢复得非常快,他说医生不明白为什么他这么快恢复健康。 他比医生预计的早了半个星期重新上班。 外科医生已经开了药并开了止痛药,但他说他不必服用止痛药。

我已经告诉他如何尽他所能重现治疗的感觉,他说想像治疗会有所帮助,但真实的情况会更好! 另外,疤痕也消失了! 他说,他知道这是由于治疗所致,因为他一直愈合缓慢,容易感染。 他说,这些治疗方法绝对有助于他入睡,并在早晨感到神清气爽。 他说自己的情绪好转是因为他的疼痛减轻了很多。 人们会来到会议室,看到得到的治疗,他随时准备为他提供有关机器的证词。 治疗以其他我无法想象的方式帮助了他。

乔治亚州罗斯维尔的June Bradford
