
I became afflicted with Bell’s Palsy. Bell’s Palsy, although not physically painful, is a disease that progresses rapidly. The nerves and muscles on the right side of my face were affected within 12 hours of the onset of the disease. My mouth began to droop and twist. Within 18 hours, I began to lose the reflex ability in my right eye. I was told to prepare myself for a long recovery and also told that it was possible that I may never regain complete muscle control. I was devastated, and by then emotionally wrought. Mentally, I tried not to give into the disease, but physically, it had just come in and taken over.

我被给予了 Infratonic 使用。前三天,我只在颈背、脊椎上使用该机器。慢慢地,肿胀似乎消失了。我每天使用这台机器大约两个半到三个小时,全天断断续续。然后我开始直接在脸部、耳垂和脚底的受影响区域使用该机器。使用大约九天后,我的嘴周围开始出现不自主的肌肉抽搐。我很高兴!我继续以这种方式使用这台机器 2-3 周。一个多月后的今天,我很高兴地说我已经完全康复了。

