
我在 1995 年被診斷出患有纖維肌痛。醫生覺得我早在那之前就有了,但 1995 年 XNUMX 月的一場車禍使疼痛和症狀更加嚴重,幾乎到了無法忍受移動或激勵的地步。 我服用了強效止痛藥,包括但不限於 Ultram、Vioxx 和 Celebrex。 這些導致肝功能障礙。 然後我因為高血壓服用了硝酸鹽,這可能是由止痛藥引起的。 我還服用了阿米替林來幫助我入睡和放鬆。 接下來是 Paxil,以幫助緩解自車禍以來我的身體活動受限所帶來的抑鬱症。 由於我相信我從上述所有藥物中獲得的焦慮症,我被投入了 Mononitrate。

我收到了我的第一個 次聲的 質量管理 [New Design:  CHI Palm] in 1997. I began 3 daily treatments; first on bottoms of both feet for improved circulation in my legs, my worst area of pain. I placed it on my right upper pelvis where tissue was torn from bone from the car accident. I then did behind my legs, my abdomen, below and to left and right of belly button. Then I go to my center chest and each side of temple and the top center of my head. It took about one and one half hours to do all these areas, sometimes longer on my tough pain days. As of November 2001, I take no prescribed meds. NONE, 0! I feel doctors are too ready to prescribe meds for every ache and pain and don’t get down to the cause of the problem. I still do daily treatments, but only twice daily.

-Kitty Holzer(維舍克,ND)
