
我一直在為自己努力 次聲的 8 [New Design:  CHI Palm] for removing blockages around creative problem solving for composing healing/meditation music on my harp and vocals. I use (Mind) for 20 minutes opening the Chi flow of the meridians. I use on occipital, brain stem and sacrum for 20 minutes. (Spirit) on crown, feet and thymus for 30 to 40 minutes.

我發現使用 次聲的 有助於平息憂慮和擔憂,並釋放我的情緒以獲取靈感並限制思維模式。我找到了創造性的解決方案、清晰度、直觀的即興創作,並利用令人興奮的能量來源進行藝術表達 次聲的 8.

-Patricia Lingwall(猶他州鹽湖城)
