
I was standing on a wooden bench, leaning over to reach something. The bench tipped over, and I fell, with the edge of the bench knocking hard into my right shin (tibia). The pain was excruciating, and it was some time before I was even able to get up off of the floor. I was unable to put any weight on my right leg – it turned out that I had a hairline fracture from the blow – so with the help of a friend, I hopped back to my room where I immediately reached for my 混亂 model CHI machine [New Design:  CHI Palm]. By this time my entire lower leg – from ankle to knee – was swollen, bright red and quickly turning purple.

What happened next is truly remarkable. As I ran the transducer (Balance) up and down my leg – focusing it every now and then on the actual area of injury – the swelling started to subside and the purple color began to fade. I felt like I was a character on Star Trek, with the doctor using her medical tricorder…you know, where the serious injury heals right before your eyes! Once the generalized swelling subsided, I focused entirely on the injury site, which was throbbing with pain and quite tender. I used the CHI machine all that evening, and almost non-stop the next day, which luckily was a Saturday. By that evening I was able to start to put a slight bit of weight on my leg. By Sunday evening, after another day using the machine, I was able to begin to walk a bit, although of course with some difficulty. The swelling over the fracture site was greatly reduced, as was the pain and tenderness.

在接下來的幾週內,我繼續盡可能多地使用 CHI 機器,並繼續取得很大的進步。 我主要針對受傷部位,但也跟踪我在整個腿部肌肉中感覺到的任何緊繃感,因為我知道這種緊繃是對受傷的反應。 我有時也會在右腳底部使用傳感器,對準骨頭。 到接下來的周末,我能夠走路時只有輕微的跛行,疼痛大大減輕,並且精確定位在髮際線裂縫的區域(我是一名身體治療師,實際上可以觸診骨折)。 幾週後,我的腿感覺​​幾乎完全癒合了,受傷部位周圍只有一些殘留的酸痛。 隨著繼續使用 CHI 機器,這種情況減少了……我實際上可以感覺到骨頭從裡到外癒合,真正的骨頭“瘀傷”是最後一個消失的。

— Beverly Kune(新墨西哥州聖達菲)
