
I’ve had excellent results when treating 2 cats with the I8 [New Design:  CHI Palm]. The first cat to be treated is 20 years old. It broke its paw in 2 places. I applied the transducer directly at the breaks and used the Body setting for 2 minutes. After 4 of these treatments, the cat was walking on the paw and has only a very slight limp.

第二隻貓被浣熊咬了。 我把貓帶給開了抗生素的獸醫,但說貓沒有生存的希望。 我將換能器放在“身體”設置的肋骨區域下方,對貓進行了治療。 我只待了幾分鐘。 我重複了5天。 這隻貓現在已完全康復,完全沒有受傷的跡象。

吉娜·馬利克(Gina Malik),港口,俄勒岡州
