
第一隻麻雀飛進我後院的窗戶,張著嘴失去意識。我把她移到電源插座附近,血從她嘴裡流出來。我圈出了 次聲的 8 [New Design:  CHI Palm] around her head area for a few minutes then placed it next to her head (Body). Soon her eyes were opened and I put a few drops of sugar water in her mouth. After about 10 minutes, she flew off about three feet, rested, and flew another 6 feet, rested and flew up to a tree, rested and flew across the pool and away.

我不知道她是否還活著。第二隻麻雀重重地撞在窗戶上。她睜開眼睛,呼吸粗重。圈出 次聲的 8(身體)繞在她的頭上,並在她的嘴裡滴了幾滴糖水。 5分鐘後,她飛走了,消失了。我也不知道她是否還活著。這太神奇了,因為兩隻鳥看起來都好像死了一樣。隨著 次聲的 8.他們飛走了。

Tutsie S,亞利桑那州鳳凰城
