
市场问题:我的一个病人在打狗的过程中试图将狗分开。 最后,她的第五个tar骨骨折,手腕被压伤,多处狗咬伤需要缝合。 这件事发生的第二天,我见到她。

疗程: 我有气 Infratonic 4.2 [New Design:  CHI Palm], on 7/30/03 I did a general body sweep for about 10 minutes to address her state of shock, then while I did some gentle bodywork (Bowen Technique), I placed the CHI machine over her cast over her fifth metacarpal for 20 minutes and over her wrist for 20 minutes. On 8/5/03 and 8/19/03: the same protocol without sweeping. 25 minutes over foot fracture and 25 minutes over wrist. 9/2/03: got x-ray of foot. Orthopedist removed cast and commented how well and fast her fracture did mend, that women in her age group usually do not heal so fast. 9/3/04: walking without cast was hard, difficulty to roll foot and walk without a limp. Repeated same protocol.

生活质量的提高:7 / 30 / 03:她可以立即感觉到放松,重新居中和从扫地着地的感觉。 走路时更容易走路,减少行,脚和手腕的整体疼痛减轻。 8 / 5 / 03和8 / 19 / 03:每次都能增加更多的重量。 手腕的反应较慢,但总体上减轻了疼痛,增加了活动能力。 9 / 3 / 03:基本上可以走路而不会without脚。 此骨折仅用了一个月就heel愈,此后再也没有任何不适感。

-Patrik Rousselot(加利福尼亚州奥克兰)
