
唐娜的父親開始使用 質量管理 [New Design:  CHI Palm] at the age of 88. He was very skeptical but gave it at try. Once he began treatments, he saw definite improvement. His macular degeneration seemed to be arrested. All aches and pains were gone. It also helped him with the shortness of breath that he had been experiencing.

唐娜還說,她注意到她的父親在聽電話裡的人時有一點困難。 在告訴他她認為他有聽力問題幾週後,她打電話與他交談。 她很快注意到他聽她說話似乎沒有任何問題。 她向他提到了這一點,他說:“我一直在用 質量管理!“

