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I first became acquainted with the Sound Vitality company over twenty years ago. My mother bought the equine unit for our horses. Approximately twelve years ago, I tore a muscle in my shoulder. It was very painful and I couldn’t lift it or move it away from my body. I was told after an MRI that I would need surgery. My mother brought me her machine and within two days, I could lift my arm out and away from my body and above my head. I got a cortisone shot and avoided surgery. Needless to say, I bought one and will never be without it. My mother and I recently purchased two of the newer model, the Infratonic 9. My dad uses it for restless leg syndrome. I am using it on a dog with an enlarged heart to move fluid and also on a hurt horse to repair damage from a severe cut. Needless to say, I know it works and anyone who tries it will never be without one, especially if you have chronic pain and you find relief. With a thirty-day guarantee, I cannot believe anyone wouldn’t try it. It REALLY works.

After using the I-9 on a daily basis, I was finally pain free and grateful for the I-9 which helped me recover quickly and safely. I recommend this device to anyone seeking pain-inflammation-stress-anxiety relief in a very effective way without dangerous side effects.
CHI Guest User
I started using the I-9. And after two weeks of use I now have greatly improved feeling and circulation in my feet for the first time in years. I would definitely recommend the Infratonic 9 to everyone. While I don’t pretend to understand how it works I can absolutely say that it does! Thank you for developing such a great product!

The Infratonic is very effective on low back pain, even severe low back pain. One post-back surgery patient couldn’t have a second surgery and used the Infratonic as a ‘last alternative.’ His need for further surgery disappeared. Also the Infratonic is used to treat Tendentious, Bursitis, and Sinusitis. Actually, I wouldn’t hesitate using it on anything. I’ve even treated cancer of the bone with it. As far as I’m concerned, it’s the finest device on the market today. It saves money for patients and shortens the number of patient visits.

CHI Guest User
I use the “9” mostly at night for my shoulders… and other aches and strains as they arise, and at 66 they arise. My shoulders have loosened up to where I can swing a golf club without pain. I travel a lot and never leave home without my I-9. I use it for sore throats, sleep, and my hands with great results.
I have been using the Infratonic 9 since October 2014 for various ailments, i.e. muscle aches, better quality of sleep, relaxation sessions, etc., and have been very satisfied with the performance of the device. I was finally pain-free and grateful for the I-9 which helped me recover quickly and safely. I recommend this device to anyone seeking pain-inflammation-stress-anxiety relief in a very effective way without dangerous side effects.


I suddenly experienced pain when biting on a dental bridge. Since the bridge teeth are related to the lung and large intestine, I placed the Infratonic on both the organs’ sites and teeth. To my amazement, all dental symptoms disappeared and have not returned. As a Holistic dentist, I am highly recommending the Infratonic be used by all dentists for  dental pain, gum diseases, swelling after tooth extraction, TMJ dysfunction, and facial pain.
I have had my Infratonic 8 machine for around 10 years. The first four years I used it off and on. Then I got really ill about 6 years ago and this machine became my constant companion. I slept with it every night and sometimes during the day when in pain. I had many things wrong with me and no doctor could really tell me the cause. I was left pretty much on my own in the early stages. My organs were close to shutting down and I came very close to death many times during the last 6 years. I would often put the handle right on my heart when I was in such fear. It reminded me of being in the womb and the beating of a mothers heart beat. It brought me such peace and often that is what helped to calm my nerves and go to sleep. When I was not using it that way, I would move it around my body to the various organs and work on them with the machine. It has been a long and hard journey but the machine has been my best friend during the many hours of being alone. Recently the handle began to make a noise and I felt sudden fear like a friend was dying. I did not know if the company was still in business because I never had a need to contact them, that is how well made this machine is. So I found my information and was delighted to find out yes, they are still in business. When I explained my situation and how I needed the machine either repaired or replaced, they have gone the extra mile to make sure my machine was upgraded and returned to me as quickly as possible. I wish everyone could have a machine like this. I have learned that sickness gets set into a pattern and that pattern has to be broken up so it can pass from the body. I have used it to help my brain to break up old ways of thinking. There is no limit to how you can use the Infratonic.

For the first time, I was able to public speak without any anxiety whatsoever. I felt focused and centered, and my presentation went great! It was such an amazing relief to be able to public speak without any anxiety or nervousness, and I owe it all to the Infratonic 9.

Kim - Infratonic

We have been working with Sound Vitality since 2008, and are very pleased with the Infratonic Sound Science. The Infratonic 9 has helped Jack not only with his sleeping issues, but when he wakes up in the middle of the night with his sinuses completely plugged up, he reaches for the 9 and places it on his sinuses. He shortly returns to restful sleep, and when he wakes up, his sinus cavity is completely clear!

I am sold on this unit! I was seriously concerned that my wrists wouldn’t hold up at the rate I’m going, but with the I-9, I made it through a week of 40 horses!

Dr. Taryn Yates Infratonic

I made started 30 minute sessions with [ Infratonic 9 ] two times per week. I noticed my shoulder was feeling better and better and the pain was going away. In 6 weeks, my shoulder was completely healed with 100% recovery!!  I have not had any problems with my shoulder since.

Laura - Infratonic
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