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I don’t have a chi sun but I have had a Equitonic 9 [Latest Version is CHI Palm] years. I am just finding out about the chi sun. I have had so much healing with my animals and myself. I do equine massage and started using the Equitonic 9 along with massage many years ago. It helps to relieve static tension in my horses as I’m working on them and helps relax them. I then use the Equitonic 9 on places I have worked on to go deeper and release the muscle knots. I have worked on horses along with vets to heal suspensories, wounds,swelling and had a horse I healed from a hind suspensory branch desmitis. I could go on and on. I can’t live without it.

I’m so glad I took a chance many years ago and purchased the Equitonic 9.

Julie Stoner
I am a Long time user, believer, and promoter of the CHI Machine [Latest Version is CHI Palm].  In the past, I have used the CHI machine on Horses for several years.  Seen results of many horses healing from illness and  lameness  with one particular horse that had fetlocks dropped to the ground. Using the CHI Machine had  cured the stretched ligaments and the horse actually became sound with uplifted fetlocks!!
So, recently I have developed Carpel Tunnel Syndrome and was seeking treatment to prevent surgery.  My friend reminded me of the CHI machine for horses.  I immediately began treating myself on my wrist and my pain and inflammation has greatly reduced.  I am healing without the need for surgery!
Now, my amazing progress with the treatment on myself, I have bought a CHI Machine for my Mom who has chronic pain with vascular insufficiency.  She loves it too.  Uses it every day, multiple times and now my Mom actually has many pain free moments and is comfortable and moving much better!
Thank you Chi Institute for making this miracle machine available.  Would love to upgrade to the new CHI Palm.  Truly, this machine has improved every application I have used it on.  Horses and humans!
Lori G.

I am pleased to let you know that I have used the Infratonic in my practice and am extremely impressed with the results. I have noticed in patients reporting excellent pain ablation and pain management, as well as patients reporting an improved sense of well-being and substantially more energy. It appears the Infratonic is more effective than ultrasound and electrotherapy in many situations of both acute and chronic pain control.

In my twenty-two years of practice as a Chiropractic physician, I have not been as excited about a modality that successfully reduced both acute and chronic pain, and that also improved one’s overall feeling of health. I will enthusiastically recommend the Infratonic and its remarkable technology that affects the bioelectric fields of the body to my colleagues. As a faculty member at Palmer College of Chiropractic West, I will also recommend the unit to students to broaden their base of pain management modalities in addition to anyone who wishes to reduce not only pain, but also the effects of stress.

Ronald S. Dunn, D.C., Palo Alto, CA

I am a student of Mimi Porter’s and I am studying to be an Equine Therapist. I recently received an Equitonic [Latest version is CHI Palm] for my birthday. I have used it on some of my equine patients. I took my Equitonic home for Thanksgiving to show my parents. I applied the CHI Machine to everything that was hurt, sore, or irritated. My grandmother suffered a sprain in her left hand – within minutes she said the pain had ceased and she had increased flexibility. My sister had been working all day and her lower back was hurting – she used the Equintonic for about 10 minutes, and she also said her pain was relieved. My father and mother also used it.

Dana McMasters

I am writing this letter to let you know of the continued positive experience I am having in using the Infratonic [Latest Version is CHI Palm] with patients. I have been treating patients with the Infratonic for years, with wonderful results. Recently, I have been treating a patient suffering from Macular Degeneration.  This patient has experienced a marked increase in visual acuity and less burning sensation in the eyes, which was one of her chief complaints.

This case, along with several other patients with various eye ailments, has shown me once again the tremendous range of use of the Infratonic, and its real value to people in pain. The Infratonic seems to be able to respond to almost every dysfunction/disease situation which further strengthens my conviction of the importance of unrestricted and harmonious Qi flow to our health.

-Garry D’Brant, DC, CSW, Dipl. Ac. (Northport, NY)

I spent more than $100,000 over the past two years to try to find a way to live with chronic pain and the resulting insomnia and nervousness. I spent a month at a chronic pain management clinic. I own two TENS UNITS. I’ve tried chiropractic acupuncture, hypnosis and neck surgery. I’ve tried pills: Zanax, Halcion, Valium and all kinds of medicines for heart, nervousness, sleeping and of course, pain. The more drugs I took, the worse I got. I thought my life was over.

Now, thanks to the Infratonic [Latest Version is CHI Palm]I’m active again, working 12 to 14 hours a day, and I feel better than I have in years. It started with back pain that kept me from sleeping, and without sleep, I wouldn’t be able to think the next day. All the drugs I was taking just compounded the problems. Now when I have back pain I put the Infratonic on my back. Within five minutes the pain is relieved and I feel so relaxed that I can fall right to sleep. Recently, I was preparing to take a trip and discovered that my wife would not let the Infratonic out of the house because she needed it for her aches and pains! So we are now a two Infratonic family.

Jim Lusk, San Clemente, CA

My clients and I are still benefiting greatly from the Infratonic [Latest Version is CHI Palm].  One friend had chronic sciatica since last January, trying chiropractic with deep tissue massage, physical therapy, acupuncture and massage with me. Everything helped a little, but it is having the Infratonic everyday that has turned the tables for her, and she reports continued improvement. Also, my grandson had a bad eye infection, cough and cold, deep circles under his eyes. The night before he had awakened with nightmares and coughing. I put the Infratonic next to him for one hour while he slept. He only awoke to use the bathroom and slept a little better. In the morning, his infection was greatly reduced and he had more energy. Pretty amazing stuff, this Qi! – L. Dawn Scott, MT

When I’m tired, I use the Infratonic machine [Latest Version is CHI Palm]. When we travel in the car, my neck gets so sore. After a couple of times using the Infratonic, the pain is relieved. Also, my husband’s hand was badly swollen. He used the Infratonic and very shortly the swelling had gone down. We keep the machine by our recliners in the den and use it quite often to relax us. It works wonders.

Juanita Bright, Bartlesville, OK

I was literally bedridden and almost out of it with severe pain for two weeks. I’ve only started to surface in the past two days. The Infratonic machine is a miracle for helping relieve severe pain. I don’t know what I have done without it, both during this extremely painful bout of a sciatica-like condition, and previously for months on end with the severe and debilitating pain of Lyme disease.

-Karen Hoxeng (Los Altos, CA)

My mother has had a frozen shoulder for over a year, and was taking Zantac twice a day. After using the Infratonic machine for about 4 days, she is no longer needing to take the Zantac.

-Jim Fessler

Chronic sinusitis, pain from auto accident, high blood pressure problems, stress. Reduced pain, improved ability to function in work, thinking and general well-being. Also use the machine on friends and family, even my pets. Grateful for your machine [Latest Version is CHI Palm] to be sure.

-Elizabeth Hartley (Worland, WY)

My Infratonic personal experience is stress relief and increased sleep at night. And, clients with chronic pain in their upper back, unable to relax trapezius muscles; often only two sessions with Infratonic will have tremendous relief.

-Sylvia DeClue, MT (Houston, TX)

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