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I used my CHI when I was told that I had a tear in my ACL.  So I used it for 8 weeks and when I went for my MRI, the tear was gone. I give all the credit to the CHI.

Then my husband had shoulder surgery recently and we started using the CHI as soon as he came home from surgery and every day twice a day for 4 weeks.  And when he went to therapy, he was ahead of his recovery by 2 months.

We use the CHI on our horses also and what a difference it makes with them with sore muscles, injuries, and so much more. Love my machine!!!

I used the CHI on my knee for 8 weeks 2 times a day for about a half hour sessions. My husband used it on his shoulder 3 times a day for about a half hour also.

The money we have saved on my husband’s therapy and the money and time off we have saved with me not to have ACL surgery.

Karlin – Pennsylvania


I used the CHI Palm/Infratonic.  I had knee surgery – a total replacement. I am 83 years old and the healing time has been much quicker than the first time I surgery on my other knee. The bruising and swelling were greatly reduced in the first three days & the pain does seem to be less. I know am putting the palm on my low back as well.

Throughout the day I put the palm on my knee and leg. I switch back and forth most of the day as I am recovering.

My son-in-law, also told me to take it to bed to help me sleep and continue to heal throughout the night.

I am three weeks post op and things are doing great.

Charles – Beaver Falls, PA


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