During deep thought about personal and professional situations that I need to address and sort out, I’ll sit down in my Lazy Boy chair at home, place my CHI Sun…read more →

What Causes Brain Fog?
Mental clarity is important to all aspects of our lives. However, in recent years, our readers have been reporting more and more brain fog. What is behind this exploding epidemic? In the past, the primary cause seemed to be mental overload brought on by social media and sensationalized news stirring us up with too many confusing and conflicting stories. Many reported that the CHI Palm was effective at calming and soothing a busy mind and freeing themselves from old propaganda. The CHI Sun would make a great stocking stuffer for friends and family suffering from Chronic Foggy Brain (CFB).
However, in the past few years people have reported a lot more brain fog. Many things have changed in the last few years:
The best answer might be “all of the above” along with increasing GMO foods and industrial ultra-processing of our food supply. Regardless of the suspected cause, the CHI Sun is providing much needed relief, initiating cellular and mitochondrial cleansing.
Doom and Gloom – Visible to me only in their absence: For a survivor of domestic violence, the accumulated and normalized adrenal fatigue one carries can cast a perpetual shadow…read more →
I used the CHI Sun on Opal, my 13-year-old cat, who had recently started looking and acting old (dull and lifeless fur, low energy). After the very first treatment, Opal’s…read more →
I found the CHI Sun so remarkable, I bought 6 more to give as gifts to my daughters and nieces. Plus, I’m ordering another so I have one at home…read more →
In a handful of people who have used the CHI Sun (out of thousands) toxic build-up over the years has been extreme, such as in the case of chronic Lyme. CHI Sun owners have occasionally reported that it is useful to start slowly, with just 10 or 15 seconds per day, because a sudden increase in cellular cleansing can cause a rapid increase in metabolic waste pushed from the cells into the blood stream.
Our mental/emotional equilibrium is dependent on the chemical purity of our blood stream. Just as flu and bacterial infection initiates a cleansing that can cause us to feel Brain Fog with dizziness, disorientation, exhaustion, or with queasy digestion, so can rapid cellular cleansing. In cases like Lyme disease, where toxic buildup of metabolic waste has accumulated for years or decades, starting with a few seconds per day provides a more gradual and comfortable clearing of metabolic waste which, in some chronic cases, continues for months. The handful who have reported this have also reported a great improvement over time.
Is there an article that explains how to use the Chi Sun, such as where to place it? The Infratonic 9 came with a booklet of where to place the device for which problem. Based on this article it sounds like the Chi Sun will aid in cellular detoxification. Is that the primary use or are there more uses? I have both a Chi Sun 1.0 and 2.0 (purchased together) but have not used them yet sure to my lack of understanding.
Hi, Julie. The CHI Sun does come with a User’s Manual just like your Infratonic 9. Page 5 goes over “Using the CHI Sun.” The placement on the body can be anywhere you’d like to treat. For general detoxification, you can start with your chest area. For sleeping, I find it most beneficial to place it over my solar plexus or abdomen area. For meditation, customers are reporting back to us that they sit with their legs crossed and place it on their thigh for heightened consciousness. As long as the yellow foam side of the CHI Sun is touching the body, your CHI Sun is attuning your DNA and promoting tranquility and relaxation. The uses for the CHI Sun run the gamut, anything from sleeping, relaxing, relieving muscle tension, to helping to unwind from epigenetic distortion caused from vaccines, heavy metals and junk food. Call us if you’d like. We are always open to discussing the benefits of our products with our customers.