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How will the CHI Palm Infratonic 11 improve my health?

The CHI Palm Infratonic 11’s randomized sound waves increases available healing resources and enhancing the body’s natural healing process.

What is Hyaluronic Acid and what does it have to do with the Infratonic 9?

In animal tests, the Infratonic has been shown to increase Hyaluronic Acid (HA), which is a viscous oil that lubricates…

Will my insurance company cover the cost of an Infratonic 9?

If a medical doctor writes a letter of medical necessity for you, there is a good chance that insurance will…

Is it okay to use the Infratonic 9 along with my conventional medical treatment?

Yes. Infratonic therapy may be used with conventional treatment. It is 510(K) listed with the FDA as safe and effective. Since its…

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