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Curabitur consectetur urna libero, vitae eleifend urna gravida eget. Sed eu neque nec dolor dapibus scelerisque in quis tellus. In leo ligula, commodo in sem eget, fermentum blandit magna. Mauris eget diam tincidunt, condimentum velit et, rutrum libero. Maecenas quis fermentum nisl, at tempus sem.

Curabitur consectetur urna libero, vitae eleifend urna gravida eget. Sed eu neque nec dolor dapibus scelerisque in quis tellus. In leo ligula, commodo in sem eget, fermentum blandit magna. Mauris eget diam tincidunt, condimentum velit et, rutrum libero. Maecenas quis fermentum nisl, at tempus sem.

Does any healing or reduction in pain continue beyond the time spent using the device? Or is pain relief only experienced while using it?

Many people find that healing continues beyond the time spent using the device. The Infratonic 9 strengthens the bioelectric vitality of the…

How long does it take before you feel the benefits of the device?

This really depends upon the person. Some people feel a relaxing effect within seconds of applying it. Others who are…

Does the device have to be on your body or on the area of pain to work?

The device does not have to be on your body or area of pain to work. It is most effective…

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