Safety consectetur urna libero, vitae eleifend urna gravida eget. Sed eu neque nec dolor dapibus scelerisque in quis tellus. In leo ligula, commodo in sem eget, fermentum blandit magna. Mauris eget diam tincidunt, condimentum velit et, rutrum libero. Maecenas quis fermentum nisl, at tempus sem. Mauris ut ornare arcu, eget condimentum augue.
Is the Infratonic 9 safe to use?
Absolutely! The Infratonic 9 is 510(k) FDA-listed as a therapeutic massager. It is safe and effective for pain relief, promoting local circulation, and…
Is it safe for pregnant women to use the Infratonic 9? If so, how should they use it?
Infratonic therapy is excellent for relieving anxiety which may be associated with pregnancy. It is also helpful for treating adverse reactions…
Pacemaker safety? Is it safe for me to use the Infratonic 9 if I have a pacemaker?
Absolutely! The Infratonic 9 is 510(k) FDA-listed as a therapeutic massager. It is safe and effective for pain relief, promoting local circulation…
Are there any dangers that come with using the Infratonic 9?
We have a 30-year track record of never having harmed anyone with our devices.