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Upgrade and Save with the CHI Sun Trade-UP Program

Ready for faster, more powerful relaxation? Upgrade from your CHI Sun 1.0 to the new and improved CHI Sun 2.0 today! For only $49.50 plus shipping, send in your CHI Sun 1.0 and experience the enhanced power and relaxation of the CHI Sun 2.0. Now’s the perfect time to trade in your CHI Sun 1.0 and enjoy enhanced benefits.

Offer cannot be combined with any other promotional discounts or coupons.

Steps to Complete your Trade-UP

Step 1: Submit the Form

Fill out and submit a Trade-Up Form by clicking on the button below.

Step 2: Package Unit

Package up your CHI Sun 1.0; print a copy of your Trade-Up Form email and include it in the box (if you are not able to print, please include a note with your name and contact information).

Step 3: Ship Your Unit

Ship your package to:
CHI Institute
ATTN: CHI Sun Trade-Up
1160 Selmi Dr Ste 401
Reno, NV 89512

Step 4: Complete the Order

Once we receive your CHI Sun 1.0, we’ll contact you to finalize your Trade-Up to the new CHI Sun 2.0. We will process your order for $49.50 and ship the CHI Sun 2.0 right away.

*Only credit card payments (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Diner’s Club, JCB) can be taken over the phone. We do accept checks, but we do not ship products out until payment has been collected.

Questions? Call us at (800) 682-7061 today!
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