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Infratonic, Pain Relief Where All Else Fails

This is the previous model (no longer available) of the updated CHI Palm Infratonic 11, which has replaced the Infratonic 9. For more details on the current product, please visit our “Shop Products” page, or directly to the current model, the CHI Palm Infratonic 11.

The Infratonic 9 pain relief where all else fails, delivering powerful signals for pain relief, accelerated recovery, increase hyaluronic acid production, and dissolving of stagnant energies in the Vital Field. Experience profound pain relief, unwind, elevate your mood, and increase self-awareness. Battery powered and cord-free, with up to 40 hours of use per 1.5 hrs. charge! Discover how solid scientific research validates the efficacy of Infratonic therapy and offers insight into how best to apply it. Our research section goes way beyond anecdotal evidence to prove the benefits of this amazing technology.

A systems engineer by training, he moved early in his career from efficient use of fossil fuel energy to efficient use of human energy. Human consciousness is severely crippled in most all of us compared to the full potentials of consciousness so Richard has made studying and optimizing human consciousness into a 30 year career choice.

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