Recent scientific research has shown that the energies from the hands of healers are measurable. This research shows that these energies can be further quantified as sound, magnetics, electrostatic signals, light (biophotons) and maybe gravity waves. These energies are emitted in measurable frequency ranges as well. This field of study is often called Sound Healing. Despite all this research, there has been little to tell us what really works.
Sound healers have claimed that all of these various emissions have the same intention: to move us from a place of imbalance to a place of balance. This is nice and neat but doesn’t guide us toward optimal design or application. Do Tibetan bowls, classical music, rap music, laying in a babbling brook, petting a purring cat, and feeling the sound of wind through the trees all bring us into the same balance? Also, do we need to consider the state of imbalance which we seek to remedy?
I compared the frequency output of individual Qigong masters with their effects on patients and found that some excite and enliven, some uplift and inspire, and others calm and relax. Clearly healers and their energy emissions are not all the same. Only a part of their emissions is properly described as Sound Healing. After testing one of these Qigong simulators I ordered 100, then 1000 of these “healer emission simulators”.
Then I looked at why and how these devices work. It is not enough to say “It produces sound so brings the body into balance.” Fortunately, I soon learned that some of these 1000 devices worked spectacularly and others did very little. This forced me to learn to discern the subtle differences between “good” and “bad” units, to discern between “active ingredients”, useless noise, and disruptive influences.
I discovered that many frequency ranges produced in many energetic substances have effects. However, some substances at some frequencies actually disrupted or disoriented people. Based on this research, CHI Institute has produced several products to heal stress and anxiety, promote physical wellness, encourage relaxation, reduce free radical load, and promote accelerated recovery.
Stressed out, traumatized, and diseased cells change frequencies, and develop discordant vibrations from the rest of the body. Healing signals help cells to restore harmony once again. Some signals synchronize brain waves to achieve deep relaxation, others reset cells and DNA to harmonize biological activities and strengthen resilience and homeostasis.
For the past 30 years CHI Institute has pioneered the development of Infrasonic Therapy: the application of low frequency sound to reduce pain, induce calm, and accelerate recovery. In scientific terms, this is best described as Stochastic Resonance Therapy, which is the application of noise, or a highly unpredictable signal to a system to improve it’s function or sensitivity. CHI products, most notably the CHI Palm, apply noise, or a highly variable signal within specific frequency and phase angle for people to enhance their human experience.

One of the ways the function of infrasonic therapy has been verified and quantified is through the medical discipline of neuroscience. How does infrasonic therapy alter the function of the brain and nervous system? Further, how is this beneficial to consciousness and accelerated recovery. The following are foundational studies which shine light on the relationship between infrasonic therapy and well-being.
Jing, Qi, and Shen Studies
One of the ways the function of infrasonic therapy has been verified and quantified is through the medical discipline of neuroscience. How does infrasonic therapy alter the function of the brain and nervous system? Further, how is this beneficial to consciousness and accelerated recovery. The following are foundational studies which shine light on the relationship between infrasonic therapy and well-being.
Infrasonic Equine Controlled Studies
Early in the testing of Infrasonic Therapy, doctors and researchers were unsatisfied with brainwave changes and infrared thermography changes and were asking for more physical measures. For this we turned to animal studies and found that groups of standardbred racehorses who ran the same workouts, and ate the same food every day, and were genetically very similar, provided very precisely controlled experiments. Researchers found the reductions in inflammatory chemicals in bloodwork and improvement in the quantity and quality of hyaluronic acid in the hocks of horses treated with infrasonic therapy to be persuasive research, the “gold standard” of medical research.
Infratonic Medical Research
Several researchers dived in to test the value of infrasonic therapy in their field of medical specialization and found that it provides measurable benefit most everywhere that it is applied. How is this possible? The answer is not the sort of precise biochemical effects offered by many pharmaceuticals, but rather, in removing obstacles to teamwork among cells for accelerated recovery. Note the wide variety of tested applications.
EMF & Oxidative Pollution Research
This environmental health hazzard has been ignored by modern researchers because they assume that high energy UV radiation, when it enters air, is quickly absorbed (this is true) and that this dangerous radiation is quickly dissipated by the air. (This is false. It is absorbed and transported by the air.)

What is Oxidative Pollution
Oxidative pollution is, essentially the transport of ionizing UV radiation within the bond angles of air molecules. This is essentially a study of EMF radiation but focusing on the very high frequency EMF in the ultraviolet spectrum. Car engines appear to be the primary source of oxidative pollution in urban and suburban areas. This ionizing radiation when it enters the human body, creates elevated free radicals which inflame conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer and accelerate aging.
Studies Quantifying Effects of Oxidative Pollution
The following three studies were conducted at Chi Institute to verify the existence of Oxidative Pollution and to quantify it’s effects:
Kirlian/Vitalization (CHI Stone) Research
The CHI Stone is highly effective for increasing comfort during and after air travel. It resulted from years of experimentation with a progression of personal air travel vitalizers. As we studied these devices we learned that the CHI Stone has more applications than just making air travel more comfortable and getting rid of jetlag.