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Upgrade and Save with the CHI Palm Trade-UP Program

The CHI Palm retails at $695 (plus S+H) but trading in your old machine offers the following tiered discounts with savings dependent upon your trade-in device.

*Offer cannot be combined with any other promotional discounts or coupons*

*All Trade-Ups not paid for within sixty (60) days will be returned to the customer*

From $100 to $200 Off: Tiered Trade-Up Discounts for the CHI Palm

Equitonic, Scalene Light, Nessor


Infratonic 9, S-Liberator, Vital Rest


Infratonic 8, Infratonic 8000


QGM, Chaos, Mobile Medic or Magic, Infrasound, Soni Calm


How does the CHI Palm Trade-UP Program work?

Trade-UP Options

Elevate your wellness journey with the CHI Palm and our innovative Trade-UP Program. Choose from two convenient options to upgrade your older Infratonic product and experience the benefits of our latest technology.

Option 1: Preferred Trade-UP Process

Send us your older unit as a Trade Up. Once received, we’ll call you to complete a discounted price of your Trade Up for a new I-11 CHI Palm and process your order.

Option 2: Alternate Trade Up Process

Purchase a new CHI Palm at full price, then send us your older Trade Up unit within thirty (30) days of the CHI Palm purchase.  Once the Trade Up unit is received, we will issue a check within thirty (30) days in the amount of the Trade Up discount of your unit and send the check to you via USPS mail.

Steps to Complete your Trade-UP

Step 1

Fill out and submit a Trade-Up Form by clicking on the button below.

Step 2

Package up your machine; please print a copy of your Trade-Up Form and include it in the box (if you are not able to print, please include a note with your name and contact information).

Step 3

Ship your package to:
CHI Institute
ATTN: Trade-Up Dept.
1160 Selmi Dr Ste 401
Reno, NV 8951

For International Customers / Shipping of New Units Back to Customers:  Due to each country’s daily/weekly varying shipping regulations, International shipping charges do not include duties, taxes, or surcharges.  The customer will be responsible for duties, taxes, or surcharges.

*Only credit card payments (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Diner’s Club, JCB) can be taken over the phone. We do accept checks, but we do not ship products out until payment has been collected.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question about your repair or the repair process? Many of your questions may be answered below.

I haven’t used my machine in a long time and it doesn’t turn on. Can it still be traded in for an upgrade?

Yes! All that we require is for your machine to be intact – it does not need to be fully functional to qualify for an upgrade.

Should I take the battery out of the machine before I ship it?

That is completely up to you. The machines can be shipped with the battery still in it, but if you would like to remove or discard the battery yourself, you are welcome to do so.

Do I need to send my charger and case (if applicable) with the machine?

We do not require the extra accessory items to be returned with the machine, but if you would like them off your hands you can include them in your package. We will recycle or discard those parts as necessary.

If I turn in more than one machine, can their combined value be applied to my CHI Palm order?

We do not stack trade-in values; each machine that is turned in can only be applied to an upgrade for one (1) CHI Palm (i.e. if two machines are turned in, two CHI Palms need to be purchased as upgrades).

Questions? Call us at (800) 682-7061 today!
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