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At the ranch I applied the treatment to a horse who had an infected shoe boil. I noticed a considerable increase in drainage right away which is highly desirable. Within a few days and several treatments, the boil drained and healed over.

A few days later when I arrived I was told that an old (30 years) horse was down and wouldn’t get up, even when breakfast was delivered. Just then he struggled to his feet but wouldn’t eat. He was listless, head hanging down, eyes dull. I gave him a thirty minute treatment using the “sweeping” technique. Within five minutes I could tell I had his attention. He stood very quietly, didn’t try to walk off, and he began to demonstrate behaviors that suggested he felt better. Horse people will understand this. He began to lick and also to heave a couple of big sighs. Minutes after the treatment he began to eat and 30 minutes later, we let him out of his corral with his best buddy and he actually trotted around as if nothing had been wrong. I have more examples both human and equine. This product ISN’T expensive. It’s priceless. Buy one now, you’ll see.

Anonymous CHI Institute Customer

I have the CHI Palm.  I use it regularly on horses. My grandson’s horse got cast and had extreme head pain and was fixed in a short time with the CHI Palm, saving on medication and vet bills.

My protocol consists of holding directly on the poll of the horse and slow sweeping. I used it about 20 minutes per session and the horse had a complete recovery and was back racing in less than a week.

Ron – Dade City


I use it in my practice to treat human and animal patients. The horses in particular love the device. I have the Infratonic model. Protocols are made up of specific meridian or reflex points along the body corresponding to symptomatology. Duration is anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes. Usually 15 for the animals. Two to three times per week for two weeks is the usual protocol duration. In most cases, marked recognizable reduction of symptom pain and dysfunction. Many experience relief after the first session.

Dr. C – San Leandro, CA


I used my CHI when I was told that I had a tear in my ACL.  So I used it for 8 weeks and when I went for my MRI, the tear was gone. I give all the credit to the CHI.

Then my husband had shoulder surgery recently and we started using the CHI as soon as he came home from surgery and every day twice a day for 4 weeks.  And when he went to therapy, he was ahead of his recovery by 2 months.

We use the CHI on our horses also and what a difference it makes with them with sore muscles, injuries, and so much more. Love my machine!!!

I used the CHI on my knee for 8 weeks 2 times a day for about a half hour sessions. My husband used it on his shoulder 3 times a day for about a half hour also.

The money we have saved on my husband’s therapy and the money and time off we have saved with me not to have ACL surgery.

Karlin – Pennsylvania


I used the CHI Palm on my tendonitis and my horse’s back pain and hock/stiffle pain. My protocol is using the CHI Palm once daily when pain is present. My Achilles is much happier and so is my horse when I use it on his for his various chronic issues/pain.

Amanda – Dexter, MN

I tore a ligament in my right knee, and I work with horses. They get the Palm used on them also. Basically I used it off and all day and night for a while.  The end result was I didn’t need Rx pain meds after 2 weeks and I initially couldn’t bear any weight on it.

Linda – Ohio


I use the CHI Palm/Infratonic device on equine issues from fractures to muscle injuries, nervous issues, cinching issues. Had a filly break her talus bone. She was walking without a limp in 3 days!  I was following the user’s guide and treating the affected area accordingly.  She had less pain, quicker healing times, less swelling.

Samara Ackers

I acquired my first Infratonic 9 probably 10 years ago when my friend and colleague Deb Crane introduced it to me. I remember being so impressed with how much the device enhanced her work with horses. Having personally benefitted, I upgraded to the Infratonic 11 a couple of years ago. It’s a tool I have used from time to time whenever I remember it – like when I fractured my wrist 5 years ago or when my dog went limp in one leg (after applying it for a few hours, he was fine the next day). I feel intuitively I have an inner voice that guides me to use it when necessary. My husband even used it when dealing with Meniere’s a few years ago. But this most recent experience has convinced me that using my Chi Palm should be as regular as brushing my teeth. I am profoundly grateful. I’ll be sure to keep you updated about my recovery from my fractured/dislocated shoulder. I’m living in a miracle!  (The Chi Sun has also become a regular activity.)

Constance Jones

I don’t have a chi sun but I have had a Equitonic 9 [Latest Version is CHI Palm] years. I am just finding out about the chi sun. I have had so much healing with my animals and myself. I do equine massage and started using the Equitonic 9 along with massage many years ago. It helps to relieve static tension in my horses as I’m working on them and helps relax them. I then use the Equitonic 9 on places I have worked on to go deeper and release the muscle knots. I have worked on horses along with vets to heal suspensories, wounds,swelling and had a horse I healed from a hind suspensory branch desmitis. I could go on and on. I can’t live without it.

I’m so glad I took a chance many years ago and purchased the Equitonic 9.

Julie Stoner

Of all the equipment companies I have used in my 34 years of practice of Equine Therapy, Richard and the Chi Co. have always been the best to me!!

I am so grateful!  We use PEMF machines that cost $22K, and we have never gotten the service that we have gotten from Chi!!

Thanks so much,

G Dianne Volz

Equine Therapy 502, inc

I am a Long time user, believer, and promoter of the CHI Machine [Latest Version is CHI Palm].  In the past, I have used the CHI machine on Horses for several years.  Seen results of many horses healing from illness and  lameness  with one particular horse that had fetlocks dropped to the ground. Using the CHI Machine had  cured the stretched ligaments and the horse actually became sound with uplifted fetlocks!!
So, recently I have developed Carpel Tunnel Syndrome and was seeking treatment to prevent surgery.  My friend reminded me of the CHI machine for horses.  I immediately began treating myself on my wrist and my pain and inflammation has greatly reduced.  I am healing without the need for surgery!
Now, my amazing progress with the treatment on myself, I have bought a CHI Machine for my Mom who has chronic pain with vascular insufficiency.  She loves it too.  Uses it every day, multiple times and now my Mom actually has many pain free moments and is comfortable and moving much better!
Thank you Chi Institute for making this miracle machine available.  Would love to upgrade to the new CHI Palm.  Truly, this machine has improved every application I have used it on.  Horses and humans!
Lori G.

I am a student of Mimi Porter’s and I am studying to be an Equine Therapist. I recently received an Equitonic [Latest version is CHI Palm] for my birthday. I have used it on some of my equine patients. I took my Equitonic home for Thanksgiving to show my parents. I applied the CHI Machine to everything that was hurt, sore, or irritated. My grandmother suffered a sprain in her left hand – within minutes she said the pain had ceased and she had increased flexibility. My sister had been working all day and her lower back was hurting – she used the Equintonic for about 10 minutes, and she also said her pain was relieved. My father and mother also used it.

Dana McMasters

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