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I have been unable to walk for 2 years, due to problems that started with Lyme disease I caught 2 years ago. For some reason it attacked my right leg.

My chiropractor Dr. Seubold offered to try the Infratonic chi machine on the leg; what a miracle. Even he was amazed at how much of the swelling was reduced after 20 minutes of use. I came to your website to buy one to have in my home, and will tell everyone I meet what a fantastic device you have. Thanks so much!!”

Regina Flesher

My left knee had stiffness, swelling with pain and weakness when I would walk. The knee was swollen and measured three inches larger than the right. I had used ice, ultrasound, and electronic stimulation but without relief. Dr. Young told me about the Infratonic machine and suggested I try it on my knee. I had immediate relief after the first treatment and all the swelling remised after the second visit, all within three days. My knee had been hurting for over a week.

-Charles E. Butler

The Infratonic is very effective on low back pain, even severe low back pain. One post-back surgery patient couldn’t have a second surgery and used the Infratonic as a “last alternative.” His need for further surgery disappeared. Also, the Infratonic is used to treat tendonitis, bursitis, and sinusitis. Actually, I wouldn’t hesitate using it on anything. As far as I’m concerned, it’s the finest device on the market today. It saves money for patients and shortens the number of patient visits.

-Dr. Richard Grayson (Aurora, CA)

This very simple device is absolutely amazing. I did not believe it until we tried it. The 30-day, money-back guarantee helped us to decide to try it. It really works. I am a nurse and my husband is a doctor so we were skeptical. We can’t explain it medically, but it is amazing.  5 out of 5 stars


The Infratonic 9 [Latest Version is CHI Palm] works as advertised! I recently had back and ankle surgery and the Infratonic 9 has increased my recovery time.

Jimmy Olsen

I have had CHI Institute products for 4 years now. The original Infratonic was amazing. It helped with brusies, sprains, headaches, general diffuse pain, chakra balancing and so much more. I have a Mobile Medic [Latest Version is CHI Palm] and use it for drives over 5 hours. I have a severely compromised spine and this allows me to function when I get out of the car. It is small and easy to use and transport. I have tried many modalities and “machines,” this is a proven winner.  It gets 4 four stars.


At 63 years old, I use my Infratonic 9 [Latest Version is CHI Palm] in a synergistic hybrid of confluences with superior health components–anti-inflammatory nutrients, lymph movement and sensory fitness. The Infratonic 9 has helped me cognitively clear and eliminate pain and discomfort. This can make life great, or at least tolerable for many.

To perform playing the harp, experienced (used a Chi machine as a former U. S. National Champion/Master World Record Holder in Olympic Weightlifting), writing-using computer and leadership business–much relief despite pain and stiffness in many body joints and able to work long hours daily with focus and great thinking.

CHI Institute’s User’s Guide has been a superior benefit in my tending to the cognitive cause and location of my signs and symptoms. This results in a deeper and more permanent relief. I’m currently working on a finger device that uses brain patterning NMR (neuromuscular re-education) to enable better and longer use of fingers. My continuing success with the Infratonic 9 has convinced me to definitely peak the brain and body more optimally.

The chaotic frequencies prevent the body’s adaptation to patterned frequencies, which in other devices can result in less effectiveness subsequently eventually. The Infratonic 9 can address and enhance the cognitive cause with a significant display of positive physical and emotional benefits of athletes, students, teacher…anybody and even animals.  5 out of 5 stars

Retired Chiropractor

I have used the Infratonic QGM [Latest Version is CHI Palm] for the past 7 or 8 years, and it still runs fine. I am a chiropractor and have used it on children safely (they love it), patients with acute injuries, and on patients with old, long-standing problems. It is great for speeding healing of fresh, post-surgical scars. I have used it on people within a couple weeks of knee or hip replacements and it works wonders to relieve the deep aching after the recent surgery. I can safely hand the unit to people waiting for care and tell them to use it where it hurts. They are more relaxed and usually feel somewhat better by the time I can get to them. I originally got my unit when I had a number of patients who were not responding well to my other therapies such as ultrasound or electrical therapies. It helped these people get over whatever was blocking their ability to heal. The patients find the purring of the machine relaxing. It also works well when patients have a cough or chest congestion, by placing it over their upper chest. It eases the tightness in their lungs. I could go on and on with the many ways I have used this little machine. If you are wondering if it works? Yes it does.  5 out of 5 stars

Dr. Ellen

I purchased the Infratonic 9 [Latest Version is CHI Palm] and believe it is one of the best investments that I have ever made. It is used daily by myself and other members of my family. I had chronic neck and shoulder pain and it brought me great relief after years of taking over the counter pain killers, which sometimes worked and then only for short periods of time. The Infratonic 9 helps your body create hyaluronic acid which helps with inflammation in the body and inflammation is a source of pain.  5 out of 5 stars

SG Bodine


I am a massage therapist and use my Infratonic 9 [Latest Version is CHI Palm] every day, but one story was almost too good to believe. If I hadn’t seen it myself, I probably wouldn’t believe it.

Faith was having a hysterectomy, bladder tack and deviated septum surgery. She came in for a pre op session Sunday afternoon and had the surgery Monday morning. Just to mention, after surgery Faith must take twice the pain meds that most of us do and the effects of anesthesia are devastating to her for months after the surgery. I got to her house Wednesday morning, expecting a very sleepy, drugged up patient. To my surprise, Faith was bright eyed, pain free and got out of bed to greet me. Her family couldn’t believe the difference in her behavior, compared to previous experiences.

Faith never had abdominal swelling, never took the hydrocodone the doc prescribed for her and was released to drive in just nine days. She went back to work very shortly after that. Anyone who has had this surgery knows how miserable it is, but with the Infratonic there is relief from the long recovery.

Needless to say, Faith purchased an Infratonic right away and has used it on herself, grand kids and her horses ever since.  5 out of 5 stars

Sally Wright

Everybody is different but everybody is exposed to stress 24/7, impacting the very quality of our lives.

Many years ago, I invested in an Infratonic 8000 [Latest Version is CHI Palm] from CHI Institute, an extremely reputable full-service company staffed with real people you can talk to and share your concerns with. They’ll help you figure out the best way to use their product to complement your health issues. They really do believe in their products and offer an unconditional 30-day Money Back Guarantee! They even have a speedy Repair and Service. Dept.

I am 66 with multiple mild to severe health issues and the Infratonic allows me to treat them all successfully… from liver, gallbladder and thyroid problems to insect bites, sunburn, bumps, sprains, scratches, teethaches, canker sores, enflamed gums, headaches, sore throat, burns, eyestrain from computer and sun, muscle and joint aches, surgery for bleeding ulcers, constipation, indigestion, and upset stomach.

Before I had my Infratonic I worried so much about my health I had trouble sleeping at night and suffered anxiety attacks which left me shaken and fearful for hours. Now I just place the wand on whichever part of my body needs the attention and go by feel to determine duration of treatment… it doesn’t get much simpler than that. Subtle yet profound, relaxing yet invigorating… the Infratonic calms while healing my body, mind and spirit. Now I enjoy 8 hrs. of sleep most nights and feel much less anxious and fearful.

I just close my eyes and pay quiet attention to my body while using the Infratonic. Then my body slowly relaxes as it releases deep, long-held stress and tension.

Having an Infratonic is like having a live-in healer. I turn to it for relief 24/7 and it has definitely upgraded the quality of my life!  5 out of 5 stars.

Pamela Tong

I am 65 yrs old and have been using Infratonic machines for nearly 20 yrs. I got my first one right after having knee surgery for torn cartilage. At my first post-op visit, the doctor and the physical therapist were amazed at how little my knee had swollen. I knew then that the product worked. It surely sped up the healing process and greatly relieved my pain.

Since then, I have used it for a variety of injuries including tennis elbow, sprained ankle, fractured wrist and rotator cuff shoulder strain. I’m convinced this machine was the reason I was even able to avoid surgery in some cases.

I lent the machine to friends and family when they had injuries and they had the same wonderful experience that I did. Whenever I upgrade, I give my older unit to my sister who also swears by it.

This new unit [Latest Version is CHI Palm] is even more convenient because it is cordless and therefore easier to maneuver. It doesn’t produce miracles, of course, but it does speed up healing and relieves pain. It is very durable as well so even though the initial cost is high, it will last you for many years. I highly recommend trying it; you will be glad you did.  5 out of 5 stars.


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