For the first time, I was able to public speak without any anxiety whatsoever. I felt focused and centered, and my presentation went great! It was such an amazing relief to be able to public speak without any anxiety or nervousness, and I owe it all to the Infratonic 9.

We have been working with Sound Vitality since 2008, and are very pleased with the Infratonic Sound Science. The Infratonic 9 has helped Jack not only with his sleeping issues, but when he wakes up in the middle of the night with his sinuses completely plugged up, he reaches for the 9 and places it on his sinuses. He shortly returns to restful sleep, and when he wakes up, his sinus cavity is completely clear!

I am sold on this unit! I was seriously concerned that my wrists wouldn’t hold up at the rate I’m going, but with the I-9, I made it through a week of 40 horses!

I made started 30 minute sessions with [ Infratonic 9 ] two times per week. I noticed my shoulder was feeling better and better and the pain was going away. In 6 weeks, my shoulder was completely healed with 100% recovery!! I have not had any problems with my shoulder since.