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MAYA: Reversing Aging

The Keys to the Cause and Removal of Aging

Why people get old and “die of old age” has been a question that has continued throughout the ages. What is aging?

In my world-view, aging is caused by five factors:

1. Free Radical Overload

Accumulation of free radical end products that make the body less and less viable for the soul.

2. Jing Depletion

Gradual depletion of primordial Jing, the Spiritual spin that holds the body together, otherwise described as a veil that separates body from Spirit that thickens over time.

3. Epigenetic Distortion

Accumulation of epigenetic distortion around cellular and mitochondrial DNA.

4. Emotional Trauma Buildup

Gradual buildup of unconscious emotional trauma, which imprints onto the nervous system and cellular memory, creating energetic blockages that impact physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

5. Febrile Vulnerability

Increased vulnerability to febrile illnesses due to a weakened immune response, allowing infections and systemic inflammation to take hold more easily, further straining the body’s resilience and recovery capacity.

To me, these are intertwined but can be addressed individually.

1. Accumulated Oxidation

Free radical end products accumulate as a result of exposure to an oxidizing atmosphere. This is why plants produce antioxidants, and why eating fresh produce slows aging and is health promoting. Can we drain the accumulation of oxidizing photons or quanta of ionizing energy from the body? I believe so. The success of a diet of fresh produce is evidence that we can counteract the onslaught of atmospheric oxidants and oxidized foods from processed and ultra-processed foods.

To remove accumulated oxidation from a lawnmower, we can apply an alkaline substance that dissolves the rust and turns much of it back into steel. The product is called Naval Jelly Rust Dissolver on Amazon. Humans are not lawnmowers so we need a different solvent to remove oxidation. To remove oxidation from the body, we must first melt the oxidation, the free radical end products. Second, we must vacuum out the liberated ionizing energy before it creates more free radicals in other parts of the body. Third, there is also the aspect of recruiting the body to be willing to let go of the darkness it is holding onto.

2. Primordial Jing

The depletion of Primordial Jing, according to the Taoists, is the true cause of inevitable aging. They believe they can increase it through herbs, exercise, and meditation, but do not believe it can be replenished indefinitely. The ancient Inca have a different way to view this same issue. They believe there is a film that gradually accumulates between the body and Spirit. This to them is why human life is limited to 150 years. They were unable to dissolve this accumulating film and did not have an understanding of what it was made of.

We are currently developing systems to transfer large quantities of supplemental Jing to the body to dissipate this film. The CHI Palm provides a moderate amount of this during use. It appears to be sufficiently effective to reverse the aging process locally where applied.

Primordial Jing

3. Accumulation of Epigenetic Distortion and Mitochondrial Dysfunction

This is largely caused by the growing influence of factories on the purity of the food we eat, water we drink, and air we breathe. Heavy metals, pesticides, and traumatic shock can all disrupt the function of DNA and our quality of life. Epigenetic distortion in mitochondria causes what is often called metabolic syndrome, where the mitochondria is no longer able to produce energy for the cells through production of ATP and other chemicals that act as fuel to the cells throughout the body. Reducing epigenetic distortion is approached in three steps.

First, the CHI Sun attunes the DNA to the overall signal of the body to enhance attunement with the etheric template of the body. In the case of mitochondrial DNA it also attunes each to its kind of DNA, similarly initiating a waking up of the DNA and an initiation of cleansing. The CHI Sun also dissipates much of the shock induced by such insults as vaccines.

Secondly, a variety of healthy foods and supplements help collect different sorts of contaminants, whether heavy metals, microplastics, or other contaminants.

A third intervention is the CHI Palm which can bring the body, through the nervous system, into a cooperative whole, aiding in the cleansing and coordinating process.

Blue Zones

4. Accumulation of Unconscious Emotional Trauma

Research in Blue Zones around the world has found that one of the key observations about Centenarians is that they live a calm, happy, and contented life. To get to this state of equanimity, accumulated unconscious emotional trauma must be dissipated along the way. The ancient Incans used Andean botanicals regularly to dissolve unconscious emotional trauma. We also use the CHI Palm along with the Foundational Truth Cards toward this end.

5. Accumulated Damage from Febrile Illnesses

The book from which I learned about this shamanic botanical just said: “Cascarilla – Prevents Aging”. Based on this, I started researching and testing. Susceptibility to febrile illnesses, whether influenza, pulmonary or bacterial infections can weaken the body, contribute to aging, and cause a premature end to life. The ancient Incans used Cascarilla to augment body resilience to “prevent aging” by reducing susceptibility to febrile illnesses and to strengthen kidneys and liver. The great-grandson of a formerly 126 year old Centenarian told me his great-grandfather took a little Cascarilla every morning before heading off to farm his field. Those I know who are taking small amounts of this as a daily supplement have not suffered colds or flu since starting it. For centuries, the Spaniards, who discovered it just 10 miles from where these centenarians lived, used it to treat malaria.

6. The Power of Appreciation

Most of us were brought up on “constructive criticism”. If you don’t know how to do better, how can you hope to improve? The shamanic perspective is very different. They know that nurturing words make everything and everyone better, and that criticism generally makes us worse. It causes us to shrink away from our own lives, from our Soul’s purpose. As we lose our purpose, we become little more than automatons, AI clones. Regaining our individual sovereignty starts with reclaiming our bodies and the consciousness that is us which rides on our physiology. Sovereignty also involves reclaiming our environment. Do we speak to family, friends, and coworkers with curse words? Or do we speak with appreciation? We shape the world around us with every word we speak.

A first step is to reclaim our physiology through the steps presented during The MAYA Experience. The next step is to cleanse and reclaim our consciousness.

7. Consciousness: The Final Frontier

This is the Voyage of The MAYA Experience. To Boldly Go where YOU have Never Gone Before! The MAYA Experience is all about enhancing the human body to sustain expanded levels of consciousness. Not only will you feel years younger, but you will also notice that the world appears brighter, more engaging, and more full of life. You will find that unconscious reactions fade away, allowing you to remain present in what might otherwise be stressful experiences. You will find yourself more intuitive, less dependent on the profit oriented opinions of professionals, and the biased views of family and friends. You will find yourself making better decisions and living life more fully. This seemingly miraculous emergence comes, not from some divine revelation, but rather from simply removing metabolic, pharmaceutical, and industrial waste that had been numbing you to your full experience of your life.

CHI Institute: Enhance Your Human Experience

A systems engineer by training, he moved early in his career from efficient use of fossil fuel energy to efficient use of human energy. Human consciousness is severely crippled in most all of us compared to the full potentials of consciousness so Richard has made studying and optimizing human consciousness into a 30 year career choice.

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