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Struggle captures the mission of CHI. Every one of our products and methods seeks to help you reduce different sorts of struggle. At the same time, worthy struggles are opportunities to gain confidence and willpower.
Struggle captures the mission of CHI. Every one of our products and methods seeks to help you reduce different sorts of struggle. At the same time, worthy struggles are opportunities to gain confidence and willpower.

Choosing Brain Coherence

Fear and change often cause the brain to shift from focused purposefulness to frazzled jumpiness. The frontal cortex holds the…

A Mindset of Miracles

In our setting, our surroundings, we need a challenge or an obstacle. Our surroundings can also provide a sense of…

Do you struggle?

It often seems that life is nothing but struggle. Why do we sometimes feel it so intensely? Some tell us…

Surviving the Holiday Struggle

I have always had trouble with Christmas. Maybe it’s the obligation to a buy everyone a proper gift. It could…

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