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How the CHI Palm Helps with Diabetic Neuropathy

Relieve Diabetic Neuropathy: How the CHI Palm Eases Foot Pain and Prevents Degeneration

Diabetic neuropathy involves nerve degeneration such that patients can experience pain or, more commonly, lose sensation in their legs and feet, making it very difficult to walk. Neuropathy is closely associated with vascular disease – inhibited peripheral blood circulation – which frequently causes ulceration -skin sores that don’t heal.

In a study conducted in 2002 we solicited 20 diabetic patients from doctors on our mailing list, and entered them into a pilot study based on both the existence of substantial symptoms and the completion of an examination and report from their doctor. With 17 out of 20 doctors responding, 76% of patients showed significant improvement after 8 weeks.

Severity of Symptoms

After six months six (6) participants out of twenty (20) had dropped out the study. In the remaining group of fourteen (14) participants, nine (9) participants had continued to use the CHI Palm Infratonic therapy protocol as outlined and five (5) had departed from the protocol or stopped it entirely. It would be impractical to consider the results of those who chose to alter the protocol in the same statistical grouping as those who continued to rigorously adhere to the treatment plan, so we have presented their results separately. The results appearing below show that the progress made by these two distinctly separate groups is markedly different.

Patients Who Used Continuously
Discontinued or Did Not Follow Protocol

After six months of treatment, those participants that continued to use Infratonic therapy regularly, following the protocol, continued to improve in every category (the rise in ulceration from the pre-treatment measurement to the two-month measurement was caused by one individual developing a secondary site); those participants who either discontinued use or altered the protocol during the study saw their condition continue to deteriorate, often beyond the pre-treatment measurement levels.

We have learned two valuable lessons at this point in the study. First, the continued use of Infratonic therapy provided steady progress for the participants. Diabetic neuropathy is a long term, degenerative disease whose symptoms normally continue to worsen, and a therapy method that slows the downward spiral is a remarkable accomplishment; but to see an improvement, even a slow and steady one, provides tremendous hope for the many who suffer daily. The second lesson is just as significant – this is the continued commitment to improvement in the quality of one’s life that requires a continuity of care. It is vitally important that the therapy continue regularly, as the potential for relief is dependent upon it.

What Users Are Saying: CHI Palm’s Impact on Neuropathy Symptoms

Diabetic Foot Pain Relief

My dad is a diabetic and has had chronic leg and foot pain and has tried all kinds of remedies to help get some relief. I went to a local fabric and craft store and…

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Neuropathy (Peripheral Numbness/Pain)

Apply the CHI Palm on Balance to the palms of hands and soles of feet for 15-30 minutes daily, then apply it to the brainstem above the back of the neck.

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Feeling and Circulation in Feet Has Improved Greatly…

I started using the Infratonic for Diabetic Neuropathy.  After two weeks of use I now have greatly improved feeling and circulation in my feet for the first time in years. In fact, the only "downside"…

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He Was Getting Some Feeling Back in His Feet

Mr. Simmons has been diagnosed with Peripheral Neuropathy. After using the Infratonic [Latest Version is CHI Palm](Acute), he found that he was getting some feeling back in his feet. The degree of sensation regained seemed to…

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Ulcer Closed Up and Healed

Dr. Nemerof has Peripheral Neuropathy. He had an ulcer on his foot that would not heal. He tried several different treatments prescribed by doctors, but nothing seemed to help. He then tried his QGM [Latest Version…

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Beginning to Have Hope

Diabetic Neuropathy. Can’t walk so I am in a power wheelchair. Feet and lower legs discolored with pain. Draining water blisters. Use 10 minutes under feet and over spleen and 20 minutes on chest. Have…

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A systems engineer by training, he moved early in his career from efficient use of fossil fuel energy to efficient use of human energy. Human consciousness is severely crippled in most all of us compared to the full potentials of consciousness so Richard has made studying and optimizing human consciousness into a 30 year career choice.

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