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8 Steps to Life

8 Steps of Life Book & eLearning Class

8 Steps to Life
Welcome to the Review Page for the 8 Steps of Life eLearning Class!

Our 8 Steps of Life began as a book! Our intention is to have individual chapters available to help you focus on each step more in depth. Take your time to explore and understand each chapter.

We suggest you bookmark this page or otherwise preserve it for future reference. Our intention is that you take a week to fully absorb and practice each chapter. You may want to review specific chapters, spend more time on specific exercises, or share these steps with groups pursuing self care.

Please join the conversation at the bottom of this page. Share your journey with us and other Human Experience TrailBlazers. All chapters contain information that will dive deep within your life, in all aspects, and we are here to talk with you about it!

What further resources would you suggest to others?

Which chapter was most valuable to you?

How has this eLearning Class contributed to your personal growth?

Chapter 1: Take 1,000 Steps a Day

Chapter 1 is the foundation of your journey. Everything you do, every enjoyable experience you have, every remarkable recovery from illness and injury comes through the same vehicle: a strong, resilient, determined physical body.

Chapter 2: Breathe with Intentions

Chapter 2 will have you cultivating your ‘Vitality’ also referred to as Qi. Building your vitality, you will soon see your ability to process and understand your emotions easier.

Chapter 3: Consult your Body

Chapter 3 delves into the connection with your body, connecting and understanding more. Your body is your home on Earth, your connection to technology, to nature, to all that is your human experience

Chapter 4: Process your Pain

Chapter 4 discusses how to process and understand your pain. We begin to see that unconscious behaviors and programming is behind pain, lets see how to combat it.

Chapter 5: Go Unprocessed

Chapter 5 focuses on what you put into your body. The body’s last defense against oxidative stress is the intestines and putting healthy, antioxidant rich, fresh foods in your body will help increase your body’s ability to fight

Chapter 6: Fire Your Board

Chapter 6 will put you in the driver’s seat of your own life. Taking charge of your human experience and valuing your time, effort, and trusting yourself.

Chapter 7: Mine Grief for Gold

Chapter 7 dives deep within to discuss grief. Understanding how to deal with grief in the best possible light can become an opportunity for you to go deeper into your unconscious programming and release even more.

Chapter 8: Speaking Nurturing Words

Chapter 8 builds on the foundation that has been presented throughout each chapter. Speaking nurturing words can add joy, love and service to you everyday.

A systems engineer by training, he moved early in his career from efficient use of fossil fuel energy to efficient use of human energy. Human consciousness is severely crippled in most all of us compared to the full potentials of consciousness so Richard has made studying and optimizing human consciousness into a 30 year career choice.

Comments (1)

  1. I really loved Chapter 2: Breathe with Intentions. It has reminded me to slow down, take in and understand. It gives me that moment of clarity. Thank you, truly, it has helped me take a step back from things that would normally fully overwhelm me!! I have been able to control my response much better.

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