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Overall Sense of Well-Being

Shoulder pain. Previously tried cortisone shots and anti-inflammatory - failed. QGM [Latest Version is CHI Palm](Mind/Balance) for 10 minutes - 3…

He Never Would Have Improved

45-year-old male. First seen 5/99 - right leg/hip pain/numbness since he was a teenager. He was angry and kicked a…

More Productive and Happier

Neck pain. Nightly applications on the “Low/Deep Calm” setting - sometimes all night during sleep. Reduction in pain. When I…

A Real Turnaround for Me

Problem: I am 72-years-old and have been in excellent health throughout my life until last summer. I am still working…

She Was Much more Flexible…

Last week I massaged an 80-year-old woman with severe osteoporosis. Her spine was bent. I used the CHI machine [Latest Version…

No Longer Skeptical

A 75-year-old male, osteoarthritis in his left shoulder for several years. During the past few months, he has experienced level…

Impressed with Results

A 50-year-old white female with beginnings of osteoarthritis in fingers of right hand and severe osteoarthritis in the big toe,…

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