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What a Difference!

Patient with right hip replacement. 65-year-old female. Lots of anxiety regarding surgery and healing process. Began treatment with QGM [Latest…

Greater Comfort in All Areas

Hip pain subsequent to bicycle injury recurring with exertion over 20 years. Applied to iliotibial band of affected leg 3…

It Has Saved My Life

I was diagnosed with Hepatitis C at age 75, and now I am 80 years old. I started using the…

No More Limping

Heel spur pain. The patient has run over 100 marathons. He is 70 years old now. He is a local…

The Wound Is Healing Fast

The patient has had a catheter in for a long time and was having chronic pain in the bladder. Had…

Good Energy and Pain-Free

Acute condition. While on vacation, hiked up a 3,000 ft mountain. Rough terrain, extreme climb. On the way down, sliding…

Broadened Horizons of Her New Life

A 44-year-old female, a miracle of survival who has endured a life-long ventricular septal defect (surgically repaired in 1991) with…

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