The CHI Guard Auto Reduces Oxidative Pollution in Salt Water
The CHI Guard Auto connects to the steel body of the car, using Sludgebuster Technology to absorb the high energy EMF produced by the car engine. By reducing the level of Oxidative Pollution in the air in the car, not only does it protect you and your family by reducing the high energy agitation of water molecules as demonstrated by the ejected salt.
One of our long-time supporters showed us that Oxidative Pollution, ionizing EMF, enters a jar of salt water in the same way that it enters the human body. We replicated his experiment and discovered that his findings were easily reproducible. We put water, Salt, and vinegar in a jar and put it under the steering wheel of a Honda CRV and let the car run for 24 hours with the windows rolled up and the inside temperature set for 65 degrees. We found that the oxidative pollution excited bond angles of the water which agitated the salt molecules in the water just as it would agitate protein and fats in our bodies to create free radicals. Salt was ejected from the surface of the water and deposited on the inner wall of the glass jar. (See photo above on the left) We then repeated the exact same experiment, but with the CHI Guard Auto plugged into the cigarette lighter or 12V outlet. As you can see from the above photo on the right, the CHI Guard removed most of the high energy EMF from the air of the car. (and from the salt water) so much less salt was deposited when the CHI Guard was plugged in. (inset photos). You can easily and safely reproduce this experiment at home. If you want to see for yourself, the formula we used was 3 cups water, 1 tbsp vinegar and 23 oz of salt.
High energy EMF in the frequency range of ionizing ultraviolet (Oxidative Pollution) is very hard to measure directly because it is immediately absorbed by our atmosphere and is delivered to the body by energized air molecules and not photons of ultraviolet light. However, the effects of this ionizing radiation are easy to measure. They are the symptoms often attributed to EMF sensitivity from cell phones, smart meters, and WiFi. The World Health Organization lists these as the most commonly experienced symptoms: “Dermatological symptoms (redness, tingling, and burning sensations) as well as neurasthenic and vegetative symptoms (fatigue, tiredness, concentration difficulties, dizziness, nausea, heart palpitation, and digestive disturbances).” WHO scientists have been unable to reproduce the claims that cell phones, WiFi, etc. can cause these symptoms.
CHI Institute has found several ways of quantifying the reduction of Oxidative Pollution. reduction with the CHI Guards and CHI Shield. All three products use the Sludgebuster technology to absorb and neutralize Oxidative Pollution, but absorb it from different places. These three tests also demonstrate the nature of Oxidative Pollution.
- The CHI Guard Auto connects to the steel body of the car using Sludgebuster technology to absorb the high energy EMF produced by the car engine. By reducing the level of Oxidative Pollution in the air in the car, not only does it protect you and your family by reducing the high energy agitation of water molecules as demonstrated by the ejected salt.
- The study with the CHI Shield (pendant) shows that this technology truly does reduce the free radical load in the human body by measuring reduction in free radical end products in the urine.
- The CHI Guard Home study shows that oxidative pollution travels along copper wires (including the electrical wiring in your home. It also demonstrates that, by absorbing Oxidative Pollution the CHI Guard Home reduces the principal complaints associated with EMF pollution and EHS.
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