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Chills & Fevers

Origin of the Chills and Fever Protocol?

Why does the body seem to fight with itself with alternating chills and fever? Why doesn’t our body simply increase body temperature to strengthen the immune system to fight off the virus more effectively?

The phenomenon of chills and fever, can occur independent of virus and parasite as we see in menopausal hot flashes and often after we get chilled from cold wind exposure. The answer appears to be that vitality holds the heat in the blood. Low vitality allows it to escape, often rising to the head. Then the fluid is released through the pores.  This shows that application of the CHI Palm and earlier Qi simulators smooths out the temperature swings during acute bacterial infection.

Rabbit Body Temperature
I was shocked into seeing this whole situation in a whole new way:

Two days before my cold started, I had gone to Carson Hot Springs. As I sat in the 103 degree water I got warmer and warmer. To cool down a bit I sat up so my upper chest and shoulders were exposed to the air. it felt pleasant. I then noticed a ¾” gap under the door that allowed a gentle breeze to flow across the changing room floor and off the steps. It swept across the surface of the water. I moved over to sit in this flow. It felt wonderful, balancing the heat from the water with this cooling breeze. I was able to remain in the hot spring water for about two hours.

Carson Hot Springs

What I didn’t realize was that, by heating my lower body and cooling just my upper chest, shoulders, and head with a small flow of 50 degree air, I was creating separate zones of heat and cold within my body. Any well-trained doctor will tell you that this doesn’t matter. However, every common-sense grandmother will claim that these doctors are full of hot air. Exposing the body to 50 degree air for 2 hours, by their standard, is a huge disaster. In retrospect, I must lean heavily on the side of the grandmothers because I wound up in bed with a pesky cold. Doctors might claim that someone with a virus must have sneezed on me. I can’t prove they would be wrong. Rather than getting in the middle of a debate between doctors and grandmothers, I just want to follow the facts in the best way I know how.

I was plunged into an uncomfortable cycle of annoying chills and fever. One morning at 3AM I got fed up with this hot-then-wet cycle. I got up, wrapped myself warmly, sat in a comfy recliner, and started asking questions with kinesiology. In my experience, asking my body for answers (kinesiology) doesn’t offer “truth” but rather brainstorming of possibilities, hypotheses which I can then test. I started asking all the questions I could think of and testing possible answers with kinesiology testing. I didn’t judge “true” or “false” but rather just followed the process to see where it would lead me.

Kinesiology Session

The quick summary of my kinesiology session is first that virus was not a significant factor. This is because the CHI Sun would have attenuated the virulence of viruses. The problem to be addressed was the separation of heat and moisture in the blood resulting from loss of Qi (vitality). When the magnetics of Qi are lost, the magnetic glue that binds moisture with heat in the blood is insufficient to hold this nurturing substance together. The first sensation is heat rising to the head and upper body and escaping. This creates excess liquid in the blood. To keep the blood balanced, the body opens pores in the skin and allows spontaneous perspiration. The body then oscillates between releases of heat and releases of moisture until homeostasis is re-established.

Here are my notes from this investigation as it relates to the consciousness of the body:

It was still 3AM and I was still sorting through why I was experiencing chills and flashes of heat and perspiration. I started asking questions and testing with kinesiology. Here is what I found:

  1. Our healthy body consists of many forms of intelligence, not just analytical intelligence and the intelligence of the immune system but also thousands of other forms of intelligence managing every detail of our daily life.
  2. All these systems of intelligence are harmonious, working together toward a common goal, our healthy, productive life. They are a team. Eating yogurt, fermented foods, and other living foods provides many species of bacteria, yeast, and fungus which become part of the collective intelligence of our bodies, especially in the microflora of our gut. Because they work with our natural intelligence in digesting our food, they are part of our natural intelligence.
  3.  Mitochondria is another foreign life form that has found a home in our cells. It provides our biochemical vitality in exchange for a place to live and thrive.
  4. A cold virus is AI (artificial intelligence), the foreign intelligence of the virus that works against our natural intelligence. The virus is an astral structure, a thought form that enters the body’s magnetic, emotional field, misdirecting the motivations of the human intelligence systems.
  1. The CHI Sun does dissolve this foreign interference, dissipating the influence of the virus. This does reduce virulence but does not eliminate the temperature swings of a cold.
  2. The substance of “cold” requires some detailed unwinding. Traditional cultures might call it wind or dampness. In Chinese medicine it is an imbalance of Qi. Heat/cold and Damp/dry are ways Qi might go out of balance.
  3. For this discussion, Qi itself is best described as the consciousness field of the body. Physically this Qi is supported by the “qi” of the blood, heat alchemically integrated with moisture.
  4. Chinese moms bundle up their children to protect against invasion by cold and damp. They just seem to know that these environmental factors can have a disastrous effect on their children’s health.
As I pondered these “answers” a potential solution formed in my mind:

The quick summary of my kinesiology session is first that virus was not a significant factor. This is because the CHI Sun would have attenuated the virulence of viruses. The problem to be addressed was the separation of heat and moisture in the blood resulting from loss of Qi (vitality). When the magnetics of Qi are lost, the magnetic glue that binds moisture with heat in the blood is insufficient to hold this nurturing substance together. The first sensation is heat rising to the head and upper body and escaping. This creates excess liquid in the blood. To keep the blood balanced, the body opens pores in the skin and allows spontaneous perspiration. The body then oscillates between releases of heat and releases of moisture until homeostasis is re-established.

However, in Oriental theory it is a basic postulate of Yin and Yang being united in the body:

The blood distributes moisture (Yin) and warmth (Yang) to the entire body. It is the union of these two forces that makes human life possible. This is presented in this diagram of the “triple warmer” which unites the electrical (Jing), magnetic (Qi), and mental/gravitational (Shen).

In this image on the right there are three “cauldrons”. The lower cauldron in the belly creates Jing, the substance of will. The middle cauldron at the heart creates the Qi, the substance of life. Finally, the upper cauldron in the head creates the substance of Shen, the substance of Spirit or Mind.  Study this for years and you too will be able to unite Yin and Yang at will.

Yin & Yang in the Body
However, for the rest of us, my kinesiology proposed a novel use of the CHI Palm.

My kinesiology testing led me to the conclusion that these qualities of cold and hot are aspects of the Qi or magnetic essence of the body. They are mostly carried in the blood and circulated to provide warmth and moisture to all parts of the body. The perfect place to blend them with the CHI Palm is where the blood travels through the heart. The optimal blending of frequencies in the heart is created with the Acute signal, which combines Balance, the middle ground between heat and cold, with the inspirational sound of the heart. (rising above the level of the problem for a novel solution). In this way, the magnetics produced by the CHI Palm provide the glue that causes the heat and moisture of the body to recombine into healthy nurturing vitality. The increased vitality quickly stops the pendulum swings between heat and perspiration, strengthens the immune response, and rapidly restores our health.

A theoretical solution needs to be tested in the real world. Fortunately, I had the perfect conditions: I applied it to myself. At the end of this session, I returned to bed. I applied the CHI Palm on Acute to my heart starting at 3:45AM. To my amazement, within 60 minutes the problem of chills, fevers, and sweats resolved entirely. My normal recovery phase never materialized. The chill and fever symptoms were simply gone and didn’t return. There was no residual sore throat, runny nose, or anything else. The fact that it worked for me in this one case did not prove that it is a generalized solution wherever hot and cold are separated in the body, but it was promising and indicated that “more research is needed”.


There is one more outcome of this research which might have huge applicability. The chills, fevers, and spontaneous perspiration do not stand alone. Most will argue that I must have had a virus that “caused” the chills and fever. How could I test this protocol more broadly? The clearest illustration of this phenomenon is menopausal hot flashes. I’m just getting started, but the first three women who have tried the “acute on heart” protocol have had greatly reduced hot flashes within just a few days.

The CHI Palm has worked better to reduce hot flashes than anything else they have ever tried.

A systems engineer by training, he moved early in his career from efficient use of fossil fuel energy to efficient use of human energy. Human consciousness is severely crippled in most all of us compared to the full potentials of consciousness so Richard has made studying and optimizing human consciousness into a 30 year career choice.

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