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Problems & Choices = Failure or Success

Life is Played One Choice at a Time

We are pressured to adhere to the talking points of our assigned identity group. If you are a “member” of one group you “should” believe what everyone else believes. However, members of an opposing group are expected to believe the opposite.

Are you defined by your family, community, or country? How about the groups with which you spend time, the language you speak, or the color of your skin? Who defines you? Family? Church? Government? Each may claim that they have the right to define you, but do they? And when they disagree with each other, are any of them right?

Who Defines You?
It doesn’t matter. They don’t define you. You define yourself through your choices. If you choose to go along with one of these groups, that’s up to you. Whose sandbox are you really playing in?
Whose Sandbox are You Playing In?

Earth is the same place for all of us, yet “your world”, how you see, label, and navigate this Earth is unique to you. Do you walk around mud puddles? Or do you jump right in the middle to find out how deep they are? Through your choices, you define every aspect of “your world”.

Others are constantly trying to get you to play in their sandbox. Do you drink Coke or Pepsi? Nobody is pushing you to drink water. Police insist you drive on the right side of the road at the right speed. IRS insists that you pay taxes according to their rules. Your county or city insists you must fill out paperwork and pay fees to fix up your own home.

It seems like everyone wants you to play in their sandbox. But what about your personal sandbox? In everything you choose to do, you are really playing in your own sandbox. You might just be playing in other people’s sand. You are the one who makes all of your choices. Others might use guilt, persuasion, shame, fear, or glittery objects to get you to make their choices, but at the end of the game, you are the one who must pay the bills and suffer (or enjoy) the consequences of allowing their misleading sand in your sandbox. When the game is over you discover that you are, and always were the only one in your own sandbox.

Standing Out in a Crowd

You are welcome to believe that Libertarians, Pepsico, and your children are all on your team, but in fact, you may be on their team, helping them toward their goals and aspirations. Each is in their own sandbox making their own choices and accountable for the consequences, unless you try to rescue them.

Each of us lives in our own world. Life is a one-player game.

It is certainly beneficial to learn who you can trust, and for what. Then you can work together as a team. But always remember that every step of the way, each of us makes our own choices, suffers the consequences for those choices, and sees the world from our own sandbox.

From the perspective of your Soul, every choice you make builds character, creates challenges, and often presents more difficult choices. Through this process, you are building determination, creativity, and versatility to be able to handle greater and greater complexity, and to handle unfamiliar challenges. The only choice you can make that slows Soul growth is to blame someone or something outside of you. This is the opposite of taking responsibility for your own life and choices, which is the pathway of your Soul.

Choosing difficult challenges and overcoming unanticipated difficulties is what makes life worth living. Without striving, life becomes boring and monotonous. Whether we work individually or as a team, the experience of contributing to the achievement of objectives and overcoming of obstacles is what our lives are all about. Choosing to help others in overcoming their adversity nurtures our own courage, creativity, and versatility. It provides the same Soul growth as achieving our own objectives. What matters most in life is not whether I won or lost, but rather that I made my own choices, I gave it my best effort, and I acknowledged the consequences as my own.

But what about adverse circumstances like getting fired from my job or losing a loved one?

It is so tempting to become overwhelmed, depressed, or confused, or to give up. And what If we were born into an impoverished family in the middle of the desert, missing an arm, and with only one good eye? And let’s add that dad is an abusive alcoholic. From the Soul’s perspective, it’s all the same. We are still making our own choices and managing adversity the best we can. The opportunity for Soul growth is still just as rich…

The Challenges and Choices; The Successes and Failures.

Whether we are born with a silver spoon or a broken leg, the opportunity is still simply to choose and strive. We have the illusion that everything happens in the outside world, with cars, drugs, and electronics. We like to say, “the real world.” However, the entire process of choosing, striving, and Soul growth happens within us.

From the Soul’s perspective, “the Real World” is within each of us.

You may be wondering what all this has to do with CHI Institute. Our thing is Consciousness! In fact, we offer tools to help with your Soul’s most difficult challenges, harmonizing the disharmony that results from the choices we make that go bad:

90% of inflammation arises from internal emotional conflicts. (Have you noticed that panicking about pain makes it 10 times worse) Immune deficiency is partly due to parts of our body giving up or just not paying attention to what is really important within us.

Find Your Balance

Calming the emotional turbulence, Unwinding the unconscious trauma, and finding the optimism to stand up out of the mud, walk forward, and try again.

Many of our challenges arise from foods we choose to eat or chemicals in our environment This all results from choices we made. It all comes down to maintaining clarity and equanimity so we can continue to make the best choices we can and strive as best we can to make our lives and the lives of those around us proceed smoothly, productively, and meaningfully.

From the Soul’s perspective, “the Real World” is within each of us.
Don't Disregard Your Soul

A systems engineer by training, he moved early in his career from efficient use of fossil fuel energy to efficient use of human energy. Human consciousness is severely crippled in most all of us compared to the full potentials of consciousness so Richard has made studying and optimizing human consciousness into a 30 year career choice.

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