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Curabitur consectetur urna libero, vitae eleifend urna gravida eget. Sed eu neque nec dolor dapibus scelerisque in quis tellus. In leo ligula, commodo in sem eget, fermentum blandit magna. Mauris eget diam tincidunt, condimentum velit et, rutrum libero. Maecenas quis fermentum nisl, at tempus sem.

Curabitur consectetur urna libero, vitae eleifend urna gravida eget. Sed eu neque nec dolor dapibus scelerisque in quis tellus. In leo ligula, commodo in sem eget, fermentum blandit magna. Mauris eget diam tincidunt, condimentum velit et, rutrum libero. Maecenas quis fermentum nisl, at tempus sem.

How will the CHI Palm Infratonic 11 improve my health?

The CHI Palm Infratonic 11’s randomized sound waves increases available healing resources and enhancing the body’s natural healing process.

What is Hyaluronic Acid and what does it have to do with the Infratonic 9?

In animal tests, the Infratonic has been shown to increase Hyaluronic Acid (HA), which is a viscous oil that lubricates…

Will my insurance company cover the cost of an Infratonic 9?

If a medical doctor writes a letter of medical necessity for you, there is a good chance that insurance will…

Can the Infratonic 9 be used with other healing modalities?

Infratonic therapy works synergistically with all forms of therapy because it reduces cellular trauma, causing the cells to produce healing chemicals instead…

Is the Infratonic 9 compatible with homeopathic remedies?

In homeopathy, they have a concept for “vital force.” The Infratonic 9 increases the body’s vital strength, which makes the…

Do you offer a 30-day trial?

We do not offer trials. We do have a 30-day guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with your order,…

What’s the difference between the Equitonic and the Infratonic 9?

The Infratonic 9 provides chaotic frequency bands in the best range to relieve cellular trauma in humans, whereas the Equitonic 9 emits…

Why is my Infratonic not holding a charge?

The battery last for about 300 charges. After that, it stops holding a full charge.  In most cases, simply replacing…

What is cellular trauma?

Our cells suffer lasting emotional imprint from traumatic injury. We can see this cellular trauma in a surgical scar that…

How does the Infratonic 9 reduce cellular trauma?

The Infratonic 9 produces highly unpredictable signals in the range of the brain’s EEG (electroencephalogram) activity, which is an important frequency range in…

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