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CHI Guard Home


The CHI Guard Home helps to clear the atmosphere within your home to protect you from harmful pollutants that are collected through the electrical framework of your house. Continuous exposure to these pollutants can lead to issues such as an increase in pain, irritability, chronic illness, and dampened mental acuity.

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Plug in your CHI Guard today and feel safe knowing that an extra layer of protection is hard at work in your home. Soon, you may even notice that you experience less headaches and find relief from feelings of stiffness and anxiety.


  • Increased concentration and alertness
  • Increased productivity and mental clarity

Plug in to an electrical socket in your home – it will be most effective if plugged into a socket that is next to any devices or areas that you use the most (ex. if you’re on the computer a lot, plug it in to the same socket the computer is plugged into; if you’re looking for a better night’s sleep, plug it into the socket closest to your bed). The machine will continue to work as long as it is in contact with an electrical connection.

Oxidative Pollution and the CHI Guard Family

What Happens to Oxidative Pollution Within the CHI Guards?

The CHI Guard products and CHI Shield using SludgeBuster Technology protect you from Oxidative Pollution in the environment. This can be challenging to understand. Most academic scientists know that our atmosphere protects us by absorbing…

How much space does the CHI Guard Home cover?

The CHI Guard Home is most effective covering an area of about 1200-1600 square feet.

Can I use more than one CHI Guard in my home?

Of course! It is impossible to overuse our plug-in Guard products, so there is no problem with having multiple in use in your house. If this is the case, we recommend strategically placing them wherever you spend the most time. some distance between your Guard Homes (ex. have one on different floors of your home, at different ends of your home, etc.) to allow for the best coverage possible.

2 reviews for CHI Guard Home

  1. Arlene (verified owner)

    Very good product

    • Madisyn Horning

      Thank you Arlene! We agree!

      – The CHI Team

  2. Emanuel

    As far as I know, this is the best stress-clearing product on the market. I use it after several hours of stressful work or uncontrollable emotionally-packed environments. I’ve noticed that while the genius of The CHI Guard Home helps *prevent* stress, this device helps *actually clear* it after the inevitable happens. This is an amazing product.

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.1625 lbs


2.25 x 1 x 1 in
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