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I will be 74 in 2 months. In my early forties I had a motorcycle accident where I landed on the right side of my body, causing damage to my right knee, shoulder, elbow and neck. I healed eventually and mostly forgot about it except for occasional twinges in my knee. However, as I aged, I started to have pain in all my joints on my right side. I had developed arthritis in my knee and had to get viscosupplementation injections just to be able to walk. Due to my work, 8 hours on a computer, I developed arthritis in my wrist, and bursitis in my shoulder. When I turned my neck to the right, there was pain and tightness in my neck. I was also having lots of pain in my legs, and hips.

I was 72, and I hurt all the time. I’d been to physical therapy 3 times in the last 3 years. Once for Sciatica, and twice for leg and knee pain. I was given physical therapy exercises for neck, knee, legs, and yes, they helped but the pain always came back. In September of 2019 my daughter came over and told me she was going to leave her Infratonic 8 [Latest Version is CHI Palm] with me for one week, so I could try it. I promptly forgot about it, but then with only one day left, I put it on my back for about an hour. The next day I actually felt some pain relief, so I decided to buy one. I still wasn’t certain how much it would help so I decided to get a used one on eBay.

I purchased the Infratonic 8000 [Latest Version is CHI Palm] and started using it on a daily basis. I also slept with it on my hips. I used it on both my knees, on my wrist, shoulder and neck daily at the highest level, which on the 8000 is Full. Within one week I had no pain anywhere. I still use it on a daily basis, mostly I just sleep with it.

A few weeks ago, my I8000 stopped working. While I was waiting to see if it was fixable, I purchased the Equitonic 9, because the Infratonic 9 is currently sold out. WOW! I love the convenience of it being portable. The other night I slipped on some mud, fell and was shocked that I was ok. However, that night, when I was doing some stretches, I had a massive spasm in my back. The kind of spasm that you know, you’re going to be laid up for a couple of weeks. I immediately put the Equitonic on it for about an hour. Then went to bed. I was shocked when I woke up the next morning with minimal pain. After a spasm like I had the night before I usually can barely move the next day, cannot stand up straight at all, and I was moving fine with minimal pain. So I attached my Equitonic 9 to a back belt with a pocket for icing your back and walked around with it for most of the day. I still get that thrill every time this little machine comes through for me. By the end of the day, I had no pain in my back, and it has not returned. The fall was Wednesday, today is Sunday and I feel great.

As an almost 74-year-old, until I had the Infratonic, pain free days were so rare that I posted on Facebook when I actually had one, and in the last 4-5 years, that only happened once. Now that I have the Infratonic, days that I have pain are the exception to the rule. I’ve told everyone I know about this wonderful miracle machine. My only regret is that I did not know about this when my parents were alive. It would have helped them so much.

Anonymous CHI Institute Customer

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