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Accelerated Immune Response and the Infratonic

Accelerated Immune Response: The Effect of Simulated Emitted Qi on Blood Serum Antibody Level is…

Bronchial Asthma Treated by Subaudible, Outgoing Qi

The child bronchial asthma, a common asthmatic disease with higher incidence in recent years in pediatrics can influence the child’s…

Infratonic – How It Works

The Infratonic was developed out of scientific research in Beijing China which studied natural healers and found that most powerful…

Infratonic Therapy Users Guide

This will probably expand your view as to the possible applications for the CHI Palm. It offers both how it works and reports from people who got excellent results for accelerated recovery.

Nessor Therapy Guide – The Nessor Remembering Project

This shows my research in developing the Nessor. It is great reading to help you get the most out of the Nessor function of the CHI Palm.

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