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Curabitur consectetur urna libero, vitae eleifend urna gravida eget. Sed eu neque nec dolor dapibus scelerisque in quis tellus. In leo ligula, commodo in sem eget, fermentum blandit magna. Mauris eget diam tincidunt, condimentum velit et, rutrum libero. Maecenas quis fermentum nisl, at tempus sem.

Curabitur consectetur urna libero, vitae eleifend urna gravida eget. Sed eu neque nec dolor dapibus scelerisque in quis tellus. In leo ligula, commodo in sem eget, fermentum blandit magna. Mauris eget diam tincidunt, condimentum velit et, rutrum libero. Maecenas quis fermentum nisl, at tempus sem.

What did Richard Lee’s research reveal about the effects of different frequency ranges in different energetic substances?

Richard Lee’s research revealed that various frequency ranges in different energetic substances have many different effects, many that can be…

How did Richard Lee test the Qigong simulator?

Richard Lee was impressed by the results after testing the Qigong simulator and ordered 100 and then 1,000 of the…

What did studies conducted on the sound output of Qigong masters show?

Studies showed that a band of frequencies in the infrasonic range generalized from the testing of the hand emissions of…

What was the background of the Qigong Therapy Apparatus?

The Qigong Therapy Apparatus was developed based on research conducted at the China National Electroacoustics Lab and had been tested…

What battery is used in the CHI Stone?

The battery needed is a CR2032 commonly found at your local store.

How do I know I need a new battery?

A new battery is in order when: For I-9’s, E-9’s, Scalene Lights, and S Liberators; The date on the battery…

What Happens to Oxidative Pollution Within the CHI Guards?

The CHI Guard products and CHI Shield using SludgeBuster Technology protect you from Oxidative Pollution in the environment. This can be challenging to understand. Most…

What is the Trade-UP Program? How does it work?

Empower your wellness journey with the CHI Palm and our innovative Trade Up Program. You can choose from two convenient…

Do I have to use the timer setting?

No! The timer setting is useful for doctors and other health practitioners who wish to use the Infratonic 9 for shorter periods…

What setting do I use my Infratonic 9 on?

Balance When in doubt, use the Balance setting. It is the most effective general purpose signal to reduce cellular trauma, calm emotional…

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