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EMF or ElectroMagnetic Fields can confuse normal biological function by setting up resonances in the body. I have seen that ability of EMF to penetrate the body is largely determined by a person’s vitality and belief system. Oxidative Pollution is very high frequency EMF, not produced by electromagnetic equipment other than fluorescent lights. It is so high that it can break apart molecules in your body causing free radicals and damaging tissues. While lower frequency EMF can create problems, in my research I have found that the principal problem in the vast majority of cases is the ionizing radiation of Oxidative Pollution.

EMF or ElectroMagnetic Fields can confuse normal biological function by setting up resonances in the body. I have seen that ability of EMF to penetrate the body is largely determined by a person’s vitality and belief system. Oxidative Pollution is very high frequency EMF, not produced by electromagnetic equipment other than fluorescent lights. It is so high that it can break apart molecules in your body causing free radicals and damaging tissues. While lower frequency EMF can create problems, in my research I have found that the principal problem in the vast majority of cases is the ionizing radiation of Oxidative Pollution.

Are EMFs Good for You?

The human vital field is remarkable in its ability to protect our bodies from environmental hazards…well, most of the time…

What Happens to Oxidative Pollution Within the CHI Guards?

The CHI Guard products and CHI Shield using SludgeBuster Technology protect you from Oxidative Pollution in the environment. This can be challenging to understand. Most…

Oxidative Pollution Series Part 1: The Worldwide Health Epidemic.

When the Sun shines air molecules are hit by high energy photons, sometimes breaking apart to form high energy molecules. …

What is Oxidative Pollution?

Oxidative Pollution does not refer to particulates or poisonous gasses. Rather, it is the very high energy that can be…

Our Scientific Scoop on Oxidative Pollution

Learn about the dangers of oxidative pollution facing humanity, as well as the health…

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