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Unlocking the Secrets to Strengthen Your Immune System Against Colds and Flu

Colds and flu are making a comeback. It is not that there are more cases this winter. It’s partly that…

Emotional Inflammation: Exploring the Unseen Influence on Our Body’s Reaction

A crowd can become inflamed before charging into battle. Kindling must become inflamed before it burns. From this perspective, inflammation…

CHI Palm: The History and Research

Discover the benefits of the CHI Palm Infratonic 11: This article explores the technology, research, and science behind this incredible device.

Naturally Create More Hyaluronic Acid with the CHI Palm Infratonic

Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in the human body that has many important functions. It is found in…

Choosing Brain Coherence

Fear and change often cause the brain to shift from focused purposefulness to frazzled jumpiness. The frontal cortex holds the…

A Mindset of Miracles

In our setting, our surroundings, we need a challenge or an obstacle. Our surroundings can also provide a sense of…

World-Wide Chaos Therapy

We often take our lives for granted, but not these days. Around the world, there is chaos. We are told…

Cozy ThermoTherapy: Your Secret Weapon for Fighting Colds and Improving Health

I became interested in thermotherapy when my brother headed to Germany to receive thermotherapy applied to his prostate to treat…

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