Cozy ThermoTherapy: Your Secret Weapon for Fighting Colds and Improving Health

I became interested in thermotherapy when my brother headed to Germany to receive thermotherapy applied to his prostate to treat prostate cancer. It was moderately successful and without significant side effects. I became even more interested in thermotherapy when Matthew, our Communications Specialist shared that his friend had been mostly disabled for many years from Lyme disease. His friend plans to spend $60,000 later this year to travel to Germany to receive clinical heat therapy to treat this disease. I looked up the doctor and his method for treating Lyme disease and found that both his method and his claimed success rate sound compelling.2
Lyme disease is a particularly troublesome disease. The CDC estimates that 300,000 people in the US seek treatment for Lyme disease every year! When a doctor’s proposed antibiotic therapy fails, the condition is renamed “Chronic Lyme disease”. Many, like Matthew’s friend, suffer chronic pain and neurological symptoms, have great difficulty finding effective therapy, going from doctor to doctor without relief. There are an estimated 3 million chronic Lyme sufferers in the US, many of whom suffer chronic pain, numbness, and other symptoms. Many of our customers have reported that the Infratonic is quite helpful in dealing with the pain of Lyme:

In case you are one of the approximately 5 million or so people looking for alternative approaches to Lyme disease, I like Hot Springs, but would caution you that, with years of chronic infection, the body is often filled with accumulated toxins, so start slowly and do extensive metabolic cleansing all the way along. Also, play it safe. Everybody is different. Consult your doctor or advisor. Early reports from CHI Sun users with Lyme indicate that it may act similarly to a hot spring soak but the cleansing of toxins is more gradual. I read similar advice from reviewers of FIR saunas on Amazon, some priced as low as $150. Start slowly and work up. Also, the claim from Germany is that antibiotics are vastly more effective when synergistically combined with raising the body temperature 107°F. claim in the article is that heating alone kills 99% of the bacteria and combining it with the antibiotics it was closer to 100%. I don’t know about this because I never tried the antibiotics, though Matthew’s friend feels they have been of great help to reduce the downsides.

1 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3864348/
3 https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/treatment/types/surgery/hyperthermia-fact-sheet#r1
4 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21951023/
6 Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Journal of Environmental and Public Health Volume 2012, Article ID 184745, 10 pages doi:10.1155/2012/184745
A feast of information concerning uses of various forms of heat therapy! Cozy Thermotherapy is a winner!
We agree Ed!
-The CHI Team
Dear Alabama, Yes. We agree. How can we build up our immune system against all enemies both viral and bacterial, and accelerate recovery as well. We also have emergency modes like fight-or-flight where all of our inner resources are moved away from self-repair to emergency action. Humans seem to be an “all terrain vehicle” well suited for Earth exploration. We can go anywhere for a while. We can do most anything. We can find a way forward in totally unfamiliar situations. Machines and computers must be programmed, but we receive surprising inspirations from outside of ourselves and innovate spontaneously.
Yes Human beings are remarkably versatile, and yet, there is a specific environment in which we heal the best. This includes feeling safe, having nurturing foods, and staying warm. As all terrain vehicles, we don’t need cozy therapy, but it sure helps out when our healing system needs a boost.
As a result of this article, a company contacted us to prepare a PBS special to share CHI Institute’s mission and inspiration with the world. We haven’t seen it yet, but expect it in the first quarter of 2021. Sincere thanks to Alabama for exploring our CHI.us website and sharing gems with other tribe members when you find them. –Richard