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The Pain Subsided

I used the CHI Palm because the illotibial band [it band] was producing pain, burning, and swelling on outside of…

The Amazing, new CHI SUN!

The Amazing, new CHI SUN! My name is Laurie. I run a forever home animal rescue sanctuary so besides dreaming…

The Story of Little J

My australian shepherd’s name is “Little j”  He is named after his Dad, a big beautiful ranch Aussie named Jasper…

Joint Inflammation

Shoulder, Hip, Knee: Apply CHI Palm on Balance locally. Also, try a homocysteine-reducing formula and apply the CHI Sun for…


Shoulder, Hip, Knee: Apply CHI Palm on Balance locally. Also, try a homocysteine-reducing formula and apply the CHI Sun for…

Involved in a Head-On Collision

My 23-year-old daughter was involved in a head on collision with a drunken driver. Major injuries were a dislocated left…

Thought to be Almost Impossible

We were playing golf at the Wigwam Golf Courses in Litchfield Park, Arizona. My husband, who has macular degeneration and…

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