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He Never Would Have Improved

45-year-old male. First seen 5/99 - right leg/hip pain/numbness since he was a teenager. He was angry and kicked a…

A Real Turnaround for Me

Problem: I am 72-years-old and have been in excellent health throughout my life until last summer. I am still working…

What a Difference!

Patient with right hip replacement. 65-year-old female. Lots of anxiety regarding surgery and healing process. Began treatment with QGM [Latest…

Greater Comfort in All Areas

Hip pain subsequent to bicycle injury recurring with exertion over 20 years. Applied to iliotibial band of affected leg 3…

Dog Appears More Comfortable

A 10-year-old golden lab mix developing stiffness in the hips over wintertime. After lying on the floor, the dog would…

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