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Apply CHI Sun anywhere on the body for 15 minutes daily. This suggested protocol for application of the CHI Sun…

Prostate Issues

The primary protocol for prostate inflammation and frequent urination is to apply the CHI Palm set for Deep Calm to…

Pre-Menstrual Discomforts

Apply the CHi Palm on Balance to wherever you feel discomfort. For turbulent emotions, apply Deep Calm to mid belly.

Post Op Scarring

Apply the CHI Palm on Balance for 15 minutes daily to reduce the formation of scar tissue and adhesions, and…

Migraine Headaches

Apply CHI Palm on Balance to point of pain or toward center of head through crown or side of head.…

Menopausal Hot Flashes

Apply the CHI Palm on Acute to the heart center for 30 to 60 minutes per day to reduce severity…


Apply the CHI Sun anywhere on the body for 15 minutes daily. This suggested protocol for application of the CHI…


Apply CHI Sun anywhere on the body for 15 minutes daily. This suggested protocol for application of the CHI Sun…

Joint Inflammation

Shoulder, Hip, Knee: Apply CHI Palm on Balance locally. Also, try a homocysteine-reducing formula and apply the CHI Sun for…


Balance on thymus or deep calm on abdomen. This suggested protocol for application of the CHI Palm can be applied…

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