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Chapter 5: Go Unprocessed

Sound Vitality, a self-care, non-invasive device company, today announced that it would return to its roots with a rebrand back to CHI Institute. This decision celebrates over 30 years of scientific research and product development by the company into ancient Chinese methods that work in harmony with the body to promote accelerated healing, pain management, and restore peace

Chapter 4: Process Your Pain

Sound Vitality, a self-care, non-invasive device company, today announced that it would return to its roots with a rebrand back to CHI Institute. This decision celebrates over 30 years of scientific research and product development by the company into ancient Chinese methods that work in harmony with the body to promote accelerated healing, pain management, and restore peace

Chapter 3: Consult Your Body

Sound Vitality, a self-care, non-invasive device company, today announced that it would return to its roots with a rebrand back to CHI Institute. This decision celebrates over 30 years of scientific research and product development by the company into ancient Chinese methods that work in harmony with the body to promote accelerated healing, pain management, and restore peace

Chapter 2: Breathe with Intention

Sound Vitality, a self-care, non-invasive device company, today announced that it would return to its roots with a rebrand back to CHI Institute. This decision celebrates over 30 years of scientific research and product development by the company into ancient Chinese methods that work in harmony with the body to promote accelerated healing, pain management, and restore peace

Chapter 1: Take 1000 Steps a Day

Sound Vitality, a self-care, non-invasive device company, today announced that it would return to its roots with a rebrand back to CHI Institute. This decision celebrates over 30 years of scientific research and product development by the company into ancient Chinese methods that work in harmony with the body to promote accelerated healing, pain management, and restore peace

What is Vitality?

Vitality is not best described as big muscles, loudness or aggressiveness. It is…

Selfcare Trailblazer Announces Free 8-Week eLearning Class

Sound Vitality, a self-care, non-invasive device company, today announced that it would return to its roots with a rebrand back to CHI Institute. This decision celebrates over 30 years of scientific research and product development by the company into ancient Chinese methods that work in harmony with the body to promote accelerated healing, pain management, and restore peace

Is Stress Crippling Your Quality of Life?

Do you feel excess stress lately? How are you managing it? Most traditionally try to numb their feelings with alcohol, medications…

Coming Together in Community

Self care is not just about keeping our bodies healthy. it goes beyond our emotional and mental health. We are…

Cozy ThermoTherapy: Your Secret Weapon for Fighting Colds and Improving Health

I became interested in thermotherapy when my brother headed to Germany to receive thermotherapy applied to his prostate to treat…

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